GK-English-Model-Exams Related Question Answers
51. The oldest Oil Refinery in India is at?
53. Who is said to be the father of modern Olympics?
56. The headquarters of the International Olympic Committee(IOC) is located at?
57. Since the revival of the modern Olympic Games, how many times have the games been cancelled?
58. Since 1896, the Olympic Games have been held thrice at which of the following cities?
59. Which of the following countries had hosted the Olympic Games maximum number of times?
63. "Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium" in Hyderabad is related to which sports?
65. "Punter. Dead Hit, Protest, Place" are the terms used in which game?
67. Natwest Trophy and Rangaswami Cup are associated with?
68. Which of the following cups is associated with badminton?
69. Wightman Cup is associated with which of the following games?
70. What was the fonner name of Cricket World Cup?
71. Which of the following Cups are NOT associated with Badminton?
72. The tenn 'Short Jenney' is associated with which of the following games?
73. In cricket. Long Top is?
74. Among the following tenns pick out the one NOT associated with hockey?
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