Modern-History-MCQ Related Question Answers

51. Who among the following established the Bhil Seva Mandal in 1922?

52. Who among the following is said to have hatched the Delhi Conspiracy 1912?

53. Who among the following were the main leaders of Khilafat Movement?

54. Which among the following was the venue of All India Khilafat Conference, 1919?

55. Who among the following defended Aurbindo Ghosh in the Alipore conspiracy case?

56. Moderates and the Extremists in the Indian National Congress split in 1907 at __?

57. The Grand Old Man of Indian politics was__?

58. Which among the following was the most revolutionary secret organization of Bengal?

59. Which among the following was the venue of the INA trial?

60. Which among the following organizations merged with Congress in 1886?

61. The first Englishmen to preside over a Congress session was __?

62. Who is known as Father of Indian Unrest ?

63. President of Indian National Congress at the time of independence was___?

64. The resolution of Swadeshi was adopted in which session of Congress?

65. Which was the only session of Indian National Congress, presided by Mahatma Gandhi?

66. Who among the following is known as Father of Muslim Renaissance in Bengal?

67. The founder of Satya Shodhak Samaj was ___?

68. Who among the following founded Theosophical Society in USA?

69. Which among the following was the most important reason for social and religious reforms in nineteenth century?

70. Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Jnana Yoga are the works of which among the following social reformers of India?

71. The Governor General of India at the time of formation of the Indian National Congress was __?

72. On the suggestion of Rabindra Nath Tagore, the date of partition of Bengal (October 16, 1905) was celebrated as__?

73. Which among the following leaders was instrumental in bringing the Extremists and the Moderates together at the Lucknow session of 1916 ?

74. Kunwar Singh was a leader of the revolt of 1857 in which among the following modern states?

75. Which among the following tribal leaders was regarded as an incarnation of God and father of the world ?

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