101. Who among the following was Amir of Afghanistan, when Durand line was demarcated?
102. Which among the following rulers of Afghanistan was a Reformer Ruler and known to have established diplomatic relations of Modern Afghanistan with many countries?
103. Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on 15th March ______?
104. The famous resolution on Non-Cooperation under the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi was adopted in a special session of Congress held at Calcutta in?
105. The Swaraj Party was organised by?
106. In what session did Congress declared complete Independence (Poorna Swaraj) as its goal?
107. When was the first Independence day unofficially celebrated before Independence?
108. Who was the British Prime Minister who convened the First Round Table Conference in London?
109. Who among the following did not attend the First Round Table Conference?
110. Who opened the First Round Table Conference?
111. The historic fait by Gandhi came to an end as a result of the?
112. 'My strongest bulwark is gone' lamented Gandhiji on the death of?
113. When was the First Round Table Conference held?
114. Mahatma Gandhi participated In the Second Round Table conference after?
115. In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi started the Civil Disobedience Movement from?
116. The idea of incorporating, safeguards In the Indian Constitution was inspired by the?
117. Who founded the 'All India Harijan Samaj' in 1932?
118. To which personality Gandhiji gave the title "Deen Bandhu"?
119. Which of the following leaders died as a result of Injuries sustained during a protest demonstration against Simon Commission?
120. Who gave the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad'?
121. Who said that the exploitative nature of British rule was 'Bleeding India White'?
122. "India for the Indiana" was the political message of?
123. Which of the following was the 'Newspaper' of Annie Besant?
124. Aligarh Muslim University was founded by?
125. Who said that the constant 'drain of wealth' from India was responsible for Indla's economic miseries?