chemical-engineering-chemical-process Related Question Answers
1. Paper pulp produced by kraft/sulphate process is
2. Claude process of gas liquefaction employs
3. The main use of HCl is in the
4. The gasification reaction represented by, C + H2O = CO + H2, is a/an __________ reaction.
5. Viscose rayon is chemically
8. Styrene is produced from ethyl benzene by the process of
9. Gelatine which is a nitrogenous organic protein is obtained by the hydrolysis of
10. The chamber process is
11. Sucrose content in the raw juice extracted from sugar cane is about __________ percent.
12. Fusel oil is a/an
13. Styrene-butadiene-rubber (SBR) as compared to natural rubber has
14. Co-efficient of thermal expansion of glass is decreased by the addition of __________ during its manufacture.
15. The catalyst used in the manufacture of DDT (from chloral and chlorobenzene) is
17. Epoxy resin
18. Concentration of NaOH solution produced by mercury electrolytic cell is about __________ percent.
19. Which of the following is the most adverse factor challenging the choice of mercury electrolytic cell process for the production of caustic soda?
21. Wood charcoal is used for decolouration of sugar, because it __________ the coloured materials.
23. Neoprene is the trade name of
24. Hard water
25. Which of the following is an organo-metal-lic compound ?
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