database-database-redesign Related Question Answers
27. Reverse engineering is the process of reading a database schema and producing a data model from that schema.
28. The data model produced from the reverse engineering process is a true logical model.
30. Typically, there should be at least two different copies of the database schema used in the redesign process.
31. Information systems and organizations do not just influence each other; they create each other.
33. The NOT EXISTS keyword will be true if any row in the subquery meets the condition.
34. Dependency graphs are diagrams that consist of nodes and arcs that show the dependencies of a database.
35. The EXISTS keyword will be true if any row in the subquery meets the condition.
36. Which of the following SQL statements are helpful in database redesign?
37. What SQL command can be used to delete columns from a table?
38. Database redesign is not terribly difficult if the:
39. Which SQL-92 standard SQL command can be used to change a table name?
40. The process of reading a database schema and producing a data model from that schema is known as:
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