kerala-psc-asst-sales-civil-supply Related Question Answers
3. Which among the following space agencies released the first ever image entire universe (an all-sky image) very recently?
4. The code name given to India's first atomic explosion at Pokran in 1974 is
5. G-15, the Economic Organisation of Developing countries was formed in the year
6. Which of the following is not a tributor of Bharathappuzha
7. The year in which Kerala State Roa Transport Corporation came into existence?
8. In which district the headquarter o Kerala Agro Machinery Corporation situates?
13. Which among the following is the biggest irrigation project in Kerala?
15. The most tragic event connected with Malabar rebellion:
16. The boundary between India and China is known as:
20. Who among the following resorted to guerilla technique of warfare in the revolt of 18572
21. The author of the book 'Sathyarthaprakash'
22. Niladarpan', the drama which exposes the miseries of the Indigo cultivators of Bihar was written by:
23. Give me blood,in turn, I will give youFreedom'. Whose words are these?
25. National Women's commission chairperson elected consecutively for the second time:
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