mechanical-engineering-ic-engines-and-nuclear-power-plants Related Question Answers

1. The ratio of the volume of charge admitted at N.T.P. to the swept volume of the piston is called

2. The exhaust valve in a four stroke cycle petrol engine

3. Nuclear reactors are used

4. A moderator generally used in nuclear power plants is

5. The predominent isotope of the naturally occuring element is

6. The brake power of a diesel engine, keeping other parameters constant, can be increased by

7. In diesel engines, the fuel is injected in the form of very fine spray, into the engine cylinder, which gets ignited due to high temperature of the compressed air.

8. Pre-ignition is caused by the spontantaneous combustion of the mixture before the end of the compression stroke, and is due to

9. The expansion of fuel in a four stroke cycle diesel engine

10. The object of supercharging the engine is

11. In open combustion chamber in diesel engines, the shape and layout of the piston crown, the inlet port and the valve produce the turbulent effect of fuel mixture.

12. In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the charge is ignited at

13. A moderator, in nuclear power plants, is a medium introduced into the fuel mass in order to

14. Where reactor operation is designed with fast neutrons such as in reactors using highly enriched fuel, the moderator used is

15. In a diesel engine, the duration between the time of injection and ignition, is known as

16. The detonating tendency in petrol engines increases with increase of compression ratio.

17. Each fission of U235 produces on the average __________ fast neutrons as a product of reaction.

18. Reactors for propulsion applications are designed for

19. The primary fuel used in nuclear power plants is

20. In petrol engine, using a fixed octane rating fuel and fixed compression ratio, supercharging will __________ the knocking tendency.

21. Ordinary water is sometimes used as moderator when enriched uranium is used as a fuel in nuclear power plants.

22. The compensating jet in a carburettor supplies almost constant amount of petrol at all speeds because the

23. The effective inhibitor of pre-ignition is

24. The purpose of testing an internal combustion engine is

25. The thermal efficiency of diesel engines is about

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