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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 541

27051. A light house of 120 m height is just visible above the horizon from a ship. The correct distance (m) between the ship and the light house considering combined correction for curvature and refraction, is

27052. Water distribution systems are sized to meet the

27053. Determine the correctness of otherwise of the following Assertion [A] and the Reason [R]. Assertion [A] : The crown of the outgoing larger diameter sewer is always matched with the crown of incoming smaller diameter sewer. Reason [R] : It eliminates backing up of sewage in the incoming smaller diameter sewer.

27054. Her husband was sitting ......... the car and he looked frightened.?

27055. In highway pavements emulsions are mainly used in :

27056. While deriving an expression for loss of head due to a sudden expansion in a pipe, in addition to the continuity and impulse-momentum equations, one of the following assumptions is made :

27057. A three hinged arch shown in the below figur is quarter of a circle, If the vertical and horizontal components of reaction at A are equal, the value of θ is

27058. The appropriate field test to determine the insitu undrained shear strength of soft clay is :

27059. Which one is a communicable disease?

27060. The Row latt Act was passed in?

27061. Delta (Δ) in cm. Duty (D) in hectare Cumec and Base period (B) in days are related as

27062. The penetration test for bitumen is conduced at a temperature of

27063. Though poor, he keeps ......... appearance .?

27064. According to Darcy's law for flow through porous media, the velocity is proportional to

27065. Storage coefficient of a compressible confined aquifer is a function of

27066. Factor of safety adopted by IS : 800 - 1984 while arriving at the permissible stress in axial compression, is :

27067. Well foundations are commonly used as foundations for the following structures :

27068. The consistency of a saturated cohesive soil is affected by

27069. The following two statements are made with reference to the planar truss shown below The truss is statically determinateThe truss is kinematically determinate With refernece to the above statements, which of the following applies ?

27070. The total thickness of pavement by CBR method depends on the CBR value of

27071. The standard plate size in a plate bearing test for finding modulus of subgrade reaction (k) value is

27072. The strain energy stored in member AB of the pin-jointed truss shown in the below figure, when E and A are same for all members, is

27073. In a river, discharge is 173 m3/s; water surface slope is 1 in 6000; and stage at the gauge station is 10.0 m. If during a flood, the stage at the gauge station is same and the water surface slope is 1 in 2000, the flood discharge in m3/s, is approximately

27074. In an area of 200 hectare, water table drops by 4 m. If the porosity is 0.35 and the specific retention is 0.15, change in volume of storage in the aquifer is

27075. The water surface profile resulting from flow underneath the gate in the below figure is :

27076. The first state in India which was created on linguistic basis is?

27077. The Piezometric head at point C, in the experimental set-up shown in the below figure when the flow takes place under a constant head through the soils A and B is

27078. Ashoka, the Great conquered Kalinga in the year?

27079. Bending moments at joint b and c of the portal frame are respectively :

27080. Generally (fatigue life of welded steel structure/fatigue life of riveted steel structure) ratio is,

27081. Cohesion in soil

27082. The unit weight of a soil at zero air voids depends on :

27083. The BOD removal efficiency, in percentage, during primary treatmet under normal conditions is about

27084. One word for ‘show in the form of a picture’ is:?

27085. A prestressed concrete rectangular beam of size 300 mm x 900 mm is prestressed with an initial prestressing force of 700 kN at an eccentricity of 350 mm at midspan. Stress at top of the beam due to prestress alone, in N/mm2 is

27086. In the plate bearing test, if the load applied is in the form of an inflated type of wheel, then this mechanism corresponds to :

27087. Water table drops by 3 m in an irrigable land of 50 hectare. If porosity and specific retention are 0.30 and 0.10 respectively, the change in storage in hectare-meter is :

27088. Horizontal stiffness coefficient, K11 of bar ab is given by :

27089. The downstream end of a long prismatic channel of mild slope, ends in a pool created by a dam. The resulting non-uniform water surface profile can be described as one of the following :

27090. The function of ballast in railaway tracks is to

27091. A soil formation through which only seepage is possible, being partly permeable and capable of giving insignificant yield, is classified as

27092. The return period for the annual maximum flood of a given magnitude is 8 years. The probability that this flood magnitude will be exceeded once during the next 5 years is

27093. A foundation is considered as shallow if its depth is :

27094. The type of surveying in which the curvature of the earth is taken into account is called

27095. The stress-strain diagram for two materials A and B is shown below. The following statements are made based on this diagram : Mateiral A is more brittle than material B.The ultimate strength of material B is more than that of A. With reference to the above statements, which of the following applies ?

27096. Base course is used in rigid pavements for

27097. A reinforced concrete structure has to be constructed along a sea coast. The minimum grade of concrete to be used as per IS : 456-2000

27098. The relationship between the length (l) and radius (r) of an ideal transition curve is given by

27099. The width of expansion joint gap is 2.5 cm in a cement concrete pavement. The spacing between expansion joints for a maximum rise in temperature of 25°C is, (assuming coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete as 10 x 10-6 per degree C),

27100. Coulomb's theory of earth pressure is based on :

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