1. Assertion (A): In the interaction region of magnetron an electron is subjected to three forces: force due to electric field, force due to magnetic field and centrifugal force.Reason (R): The mechanism of generation of microwaves, in a magnetron, involves interaction of electromagnetic fields with electrons moving in static electric and magnetic fields oriented at right angles to each other.

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  • By: guest on 02 Jun 2017 01.05 am
    It is somewhat similar to TWT and can deliver microwave power over a wide frequency band. It has an electron gun and a helix structure. However the interaction between electron beam and RF wave is different than in TWT. The growing RF wave travels in opposite direction to the electron beam. The frequency of wave can be changed by changing the voltage which controls the beam velocity. Moreover the amplitude of oscillations can be decreased continuously to zero by changing the beam current. It features are: 1. Frequency range - 1 GHz to 1000 GHz. 2. Power output - 10 mV to 150 mW (continuous wave) 250kW (pulsed). It is used as signal source in transmitters and instruments.
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