1. Statement: Should "literacy" be the minimum criterion for becoming a voter in India? Arguments: No. Mere literacy is no guarantee of political maturity of an individual. Yes. Illiterate people are less likely to make politically wiser decisions of voting for a right candidate or party. No. Voting is the constitutional right of every citizen.

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  • By: guest on 02 Jun 2017 01.29 am
    Clearly, illiterate people lack will power and maturity in thoughts. They may easily be misled into false convictions or lured into temptations to vote for a particular group. So, argument II holds. However, a person is literate does not mean that he is conscious of all political movements, which requires practical awareness of everyday events. Thus, I also holds strong. Besides, Constitution has extended the right to vote equally to all its citizens. Hence, III also holds.
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