1. Two positions of a block are shown below. When 2 is at the bottom, which number will be at the top?

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  • By: guest on 02 Jun 2017 01.57 am
    Number 3 is common to the two positions of the block. We assume the block in fig. (ii) to be rotated so that 3 appears at the same position as in fig. (i) i.e. on RHS face (i.e. on face II as per activity 1) and the numbers 5 and 2 move to the faces hidden behind the numbers 4 and 6 respectively [in fig. (i)]. Thus, the combined figure will have 3 on RHS face (i.e. face II), 4 on the Front face (i.e. face I), 6 on the Top face (i.e. face V), 5 on the Rear face (i.e. face III) and 2 on the Bottom face (i.e. face VI). Clearly, when 2 is at the bottom; then 6 is at the top.
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