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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1434

71701. In order to cool and dehumidify a stream of moist air, it must be passed over the coil at a temperature

71702. The coefficient of performance of vapour compression refrigeration system is quite __________ as compared to air refrigeration system.

71703. In order to collect liquid refrigerant and to prevent it from going to a __________ , a device known as accumulator is used at the suction of compressor.

71704. Which of the following refrigerant has the lowest boiling point?

71705. During sensible cooling of air, the relative humidity increases.

71706. In actual air-conditioning applications for R-12 and R-22, and operating at a condenser temperature of 40° C and an evaporator temperature of 5° C, the heat rejection factor is about

71707. The undesireable property of a refrigerant is

71708. The dry bulb temperature during sensible heating of air

71709. Radiation is the process of heat transfer in which heat flows from a __________ , in a straight line, without affecting the intervening medium.

71710. The heating of air, without any change in its specific humidity, is known as sensible heating.

71711. The heat transfer from a hot body to a cold body is directly proportional to the surface area and difference of temperatures between the two bodies. This statement is called

71712. The pressure at the inlet of a refrigerant compressor is called

71713. The process, generally used in summer air conditioning to cool and dehumidify the air, is called

71714. The leakage in a refrigeration system using ammonia is detected by

71715. The lowest temperature during the cycle in a vapour compression system occurs after

71716. The temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when it is not effected by the moisture present in the air, is called

71717. A human body feels comfortable when the heat produced by the metabolism of human body is equal to the

71718. During sensible cooling,

71719. The wave length of the radiation emitted depends only on the temperature and is independent of the material of the body.

71720. The process of heat transfer from one particle of the body to another by the actual motion of the heated particles, is called

71721. In a domestic refrigerator, a capillary tube controls the flow of refrigerant from the

71722. The absolute humidity is the mass of water vapour present in 1 m3 of dry air.

71723. In a vapour absorption refrigeration system, the compressor of the vapour compression system is replaced by

71724. The refrigerant used in small-tonnage commercial machines (hermetically sealed units) is

71725. In a lithium bromide absorption refrigeration system

71726. A condenser is used in the __________ pressure side of a refrigerating system.

71727. A steam pipe is to be lined with two layers of insulating materials of different thermal conductivities. For the minimum heat transfer,

71728. In a parallel flow heat exchanger, the rate of flow of heat and the rate of decrease of temperature are maximum.

71729. When the air is passed through an insulated chamber having sprays of water maintained at a temperature higher than the dew point temperature of entering air but lower than its dry bulb temperature, then the air is said to be

71730. How many pairs of salivary glands are there in human body?

71731. It is desired to condition the outside air from 70% relative humidity and 45° C dry bulb temperature to 50% relative humidity and 25° C dry bulb temperature (room condition). The practical arrangement will be

71732. During heating and dehumidification process, dry bulb temperature

71733. Where did Mahatma Gandhi first try the weapon of Satyagraha?

71734. A refrigerant compressor is used to

71735. In which of the following refrigeration system, waste heat can be effectively used?

71736. During heating and humidification, the final relative humidity of air

71737. The fluids used in electrolux refrigerator are

71738. The process of undercooling is generally brought about by

71739. The refrigerant after condensation process is cooled below the saturation temperature before throttling. Such a process is called

71740. R-12 has the __________ freezing point.

71741. The power per tonne of refrigeration is

71742. The process of heat transfer from one particle of the fluid to another by the actual movement of the fluid particles due to difference of density caused by temperature of the particle is known as

71743. The thermostatic expansion valve is also called

71744. In figure shown, E is a heat engine with efficiency of 0.4 and R is a refrigerator. It is given that Q2 + Q4 = 3Q1. The C.O.P. of the refrigerator is

71745. The specific humidity during cooling and dehumidification

71746. The capillary tube, as an expansion device, is used in

71747. In aircraft, air refrigeration Cycle is used because of

71748. The material of pipe lines for a system using freon as a refrigerant should be

71749. The temperature of air recorded by a thermometer, when the moisture present in it begins to condense, is called wet bulb temperature.

71750. In a pressure enthalpy chart, the space to the left of the saturated liquid line represents

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