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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1916
95801. "ഡൈനാമോ" കണ്ടുപിടിച്ച വ്യക്തി : [ "dynaamo" kandupidiccha vyakthi :]
95802. സണ്ബേണ് ഉണ്ടാകുന്നത് ഏതു കിരണങ്ങളാലാണ് ? [ sanben undaakunnathu ethu kiranangalaalaanu ?]
95803. ‘അബു എബ്രഹാം’ ഏത് മേഖലയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു ? [ ‘abu ebrahaam’ ethu mekhalayumaayi bandhappettirikkunnu ?]
95804. It’s a small town in the south _____ England.
95805. A large crowd.................. expected at the function
95806. Some students spend a lot of money..........looks.
95807. She plays _______violin.
95808. If she agrees I ...... inform you.
95809. If it...........nice tomorrow, we'll go to the zoo.
95810. The earlier you get up --------
95811. Which one of the following is in singular form?
95812. If winter comes can........ be far behind
95813. Statutory means...................
95814. Can you play..............guitar
95815. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ഏക അംഗീകൃത ദേശീയ പതാക നിര്മ്മാണശാല [ inthyayile eka amgeekrutha desheeya pathaaka nirmmaanashaala]
95816. യേശുക്രിസ്തു എത്ര വയസ്സുവരെ ജീവിച്ചിരുന്നു ? [ yeshukristhu ethra vayasuvare jeevicchirunnu ?]
95817. 'ഫോകുവോച്ചി' എന്ന യാത്രാവിവരണ ഗ്രന്ഥം ആരുടേതാണ്? [ 'phokuvocchi' enna yaathraavivarana grantham aarudethaan?]
95818. Choose the antonyms: MALEFICENT
95819. Translate this from English ------ Hindi.
95820. No one can -------- in life without hard work.
95821. My uncle has gone to .......... hospital to visit a sick friend.
95822. I don't think he will ever agree......... such a plan
95823. The synonym of draft is
95824. He should see a doctor, ...............?
95825. The wrongly spelt word is
95826. The patient was breathing ............ difficulty
95827. Choose the word having nearly the same meaning. Admonish
95828. ................. are you working for now ?
95829. The density of atmosphere at sea level is 29 kg/mAssume that it does not change with altitude,the atmosphere extended up to:
95830. The word ‘decorum’ means:
95831. രണ്ടാം വട്ടമേശ സമ്മേളനത്തില് കോണ്ഗ്രസിനെ പ്രതിനിധീകരിച്ചത് [ randaam vattamesha sammelanatthil kongrasine prathinidheekaricchathu]
95832. Everybody cannot come in first,..............?
95833. I _____ in the garden when I suddenly felt a pain.
95834. They .......each other since 2002.
95835. He died –––––– bomb explosion.
95836. John is tall and Peter is short, but the...........is stronger
95837. The word opposite to the word 'balance' is
95838. Use the correct tag: Let’s have a cup of tea ------ ?
95839. She was quite overcome _____ emotion
95840. Everybody wanted to stay longer ............?
95841. ‘ദ്രോണാചാര്യ’ അവാര്ഡ് നല്കിത്തുടങ്ങിയ വര്ഷം [ ‘dreaanaachaarya’ avaardu nalkitthudangiya varsham]
95842. 'ആവലാതി ചങ്ങല' ഏര്പ്പെടുത്തിയ മുഗള് രാജാവ് ? [ 'aavalaathi changala' erppedutthiya mugal raajaavu ?]
95843. കുക്കി ആദിവാസികള് ഇന്ത്യയില് എവിടെ കാണപ്പെടുന്നു? [ kukki aadivaasikal inthyayil evide kaanappedunnu?]
95844. He did not understand the office order as it was very..................
95845. Which of the following words is wrongly spelt?
95846. I should say that you don’t grumble -------- such silly things.
95847. They knew him - the passive voice of the sentence is
95848. Put ..... the light, please.
95849. He's got........wine.
95850. Sonu is an inveterate liar.
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