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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2108
105401. Find the distance of the point A(3, -3) from the origin.
(A): 3√2 (B): 3√6 (C): 6√2 (D): 7√2
105402. Find the distance of the point A(4, -4) from the origin.
(A): 2√8 (B): 3√2 (C): 6√2 (D): 8√2
105403. In which quadrant does the point(9, 0) lie
(A): 4th (B): None of these (C): x-axis (D): y-axis
105404. In which quadrant does the point(0, 9) lie
(A): 3rd (B): None of these (C): x-axis (D): y-axis
105405. In which quadrant does the point(-7, 6) lie
(A): 1st (B): 2nd (C): 3rd (D): 4th
105406. In which quadrant does the point(9, -2) lie
(A): 1st (B): 2nd (C): 3rd (D): 4th
105407. In which quadrant does the point(1, 5) lie
(A): 1st (B): 2nd (C): 3rd (D): 4th
105408. In which quadrant does the point(-4, -7) lie
(A): 1st (B): 2nd (C): 3rd (D): 4th
105409. Ifrbetherthordercentralmomentofapopulation0 ,1 and2 are:(where,=standarddeviation)
(A): 0, 1, σ2 (B): 1, 1, σ (C): 1, 0, σ (D): 1, 0, σ2
105410. If x is a continuous random variable with p.d.f. (x) = 1/2 exp (-x2/2), - x and y is defined as y = x+1, then E(y) equals:
(A): (√π) +1 (B): 0 (C): 1 (D): n
105411. Ifavariablehasthreevaluesk,0and3kwithcorrespondingfrequenciesas3k,2kandkrespectively,thenthevalueofcoefficientofskewnessb1 is:
(A): 2 (B): 2K (C): K/2 (D): 1/2
105412. The joint distribution of x and y is as follows Then E(x|y=1) is :
(A): 2 (B): 2/3 (C): 5/3 (D): 4/3
105413. Themeanandstandarddeviationofavariablexare36and4respectively.Thenthemeanandstandarddeviationof[50(x/4)],respectivelyare:
(A): 29, 2 (B): 39, 4 (C): 40, 1 (D): 41, 1
105414. Letx~Binomial(5,0.6)andY~Poisson(2)beindependent.ThenP(xy=0)equals:
(A): e-2+(0.4)-5 (B): e-2+(0.4)-5- e-2.(0.4)-5 (C): e-2. (0.4)-5 (D): e-2. (0.6)-5+(1- e-2)(0.4)-5
105415. Inanegativelyskeweddistribution
(A): Mean > Median > Mode (B): Mode < Median > Mean (C): Mean > Mode > Median (D): Mode > Median > Mean
105416. If a continuous random variable x has the probability density function
(A): (1/2)1/3 (B): (1/3)1/2 (C): 1/2 (D): 1/3
105417. Forafrequencydistributionofadiscretevariable,thediagramoflessthantypecumulativefrequencyisa
(A): non-decreasing continuous function (B): non-increasing continuous function (C): non-increasing step function (D): non-decreasing step function
105418. Itisknownfrompastexperiencethatinacertainplantthereareontheaverage4industrialaccidentspermonth.Theprobabilitythatinagivenmonth therewillbelessthan4accidentsis:(e4=0.0183)
(A): 0.398 (B): 0.442 (C): 0.465 (D): 0.433
105419. കേരളത്തിലെ ആദ്യത്തെ ആദിവാസി പഞ്ചായത്ത്? [Keralatthile aadyatthe aadivaasi panchaayatthu?]
(A): ആറാട്ടുപുഴ [Aaraattupuzha] (B): ഇടമലക്കുടി [Idamalakkudi] (C): ഉടമ്പന്നൂർ ഗ്രാമപഞ്ചായത്ത് [Udampannoor graamapanchaayatthu ] (D): എടവക(വയനാട് ) [Edavaka(vayanaadu )]
105420. Forafrequencydistributionofavariablex,mean=32,median=30.Thedistributionis:
(A): Negatively skewed (B): Platykurtic (C): Positively skewed (D): Mesokurtic
105421. Let x be a random variable with probability mass function (x) = k, |x|, if x = -2, 1, 3 =0, otherwise where, K is a constant. Then the variance of x is :
(A): 37/6 (B): 5 (C): 6 (D): 23/6
105422. IfL(p)andL(q)representLaspeyres'indexnumberforpricesandquantitiesandP(p)andP(q)representsPaasche'sindexnumberforpriceand quantitiesthen:
(A): L(p)/L(q) < P(p)/P(q) (B): L(p)/L(q) = P(q)/P(p) (C): L(p)/L(q) =P(p)/P(q) (D): L(p)/L(q) > P(p)/P(q)
105423. Initiallythereare9workers,allbeingpaidauniformwage.Latera10thworkerisaddedwhosewagerateisRs20lessthanfortheothers.The averagewagegets:
(A): decreased by Rs 10 (B): decreased by Rs 2 (C): decreased by Rs 20 (D): remains unchanged
105424. EventSandTareindependentwithP(S)P(T),P(ST)=6/25andP(S|T)+P(T|S)=1.ThenP(S)is
(A): 1/5 (B): 2/5 (C): 3/5 (D): 6/25
105425. Theformulaforcalculatinganindexnumbershouldbesuchthatitgivesthesameratiobetweenonepointofcomparisonandtheother,nomatter whichofthetwoistakenasthebaseorputtingitanotherway,theindexnumberreckonedforwardshouldbereciprocaloftheonereckonedbackwards'whichtest ofconsistencyofindexnumberisthis?
(A): Circular Test (B): Factor Reversal Test (C): Unit Test (D): Time Reversal Test
105426. Thesystemofcombiningtwoormoreoverlappingseriesofindexnumberstoobtainasinglecontinuousseriesiscalled
(A): Base shifting (B): None of the options (C): Splicing (D): Deflating
105427. If'I'representsacostoflivingindex,thenthepurchasingpowerofmoneyisproportionalto
(A): 1 (B): 1/1 (C): I2 (D): √1
105428. Thestandarddeviationofadistributionis5.Thevalueofthefourthcentralmoment,inorderthatthedistributionbemesokurtic,shouldbe:
(A): equal to 1875 (B): greater than 1875 (C): less than 1875 (D): equal to 3
105429. Supposeowingtoincreasedprices,aconsumerreducesconsumptionofallcommoditiesby10%comparedtothepreviousyear.IfIL andIP arethe Laspeyres'andPaasche'spriceindicesforthecurrentyearwiththepreviousyearasbase,then
(A): IL= 0.9 X IP (B): IP=IL (C): IP= 0.9 X IL (D): IPXIL= 0.9 X(100)2
105430. Theprobabilitythatanurncontaining5ballscontainsonlywhiteballsifthefirsttwoballsdrawnfromitwerefoundtobewhiteis:
(A): 1/10 (B): 1/2 (C): 1/4 (D): 1/20
105431. Ifthetrendequationfittedfromadataonproduction(yinkg)ofafertilizerfactoryis26y=5335+624t,wheretime(t)hasunit1year.Thenmonthly increaseinproductionoffertilisers(inkg)is:
(A): 2 (B): 5335/26 (C): 624 (D): 5335
105432. LetEandFbetwoeventswithP(E)0,P(F|E)=0.3andP(EFc )=0.2.ThenP(E)equals:
(A): 1/7 (B): 2/7 (C): 4/7 (D): 5/7
105433. The annual vehicles production (In lacs) in India is given in the pie chart. If the annual production of motor cycle is 1.80 lacs, the annual production
(A): 2.1 lacs (B): 2.4 lacs (C): 2.5 lacs (D): 2.6 lacs
105434. Linkrelativesinatimeseriesremovetheinfluenceof:
(A): All of the options (B): irregular variation (C): trend (D): cyclic variation
105435. AandBaretwoindependenteventsinagivensamplespaceandtheprobabilitythatbothAandBoccuris0.16whiletheprobabilitythatneitheroccurs is0.36,thenP(A)andP(B),respectivelyare:
(A): 0.4, 0.4 (B): 0.6, 0.6 (C): 0.8, 0.2 (D): 0.9, 0.4
105436. Iftheactualvaluesintimeseriesfrom2000to2006are77,88,94,85,91,98and90andtheequationofthetrendlinewith2003asoriginisY=89+ 2X,thenincaseofmultiplicativemodel,thetrendeliminatedvaluesare:
(A): 0.93, 1.04, 1.08, 0.96, 1.0, 1.05, 0.95 (B): 1.08, 0.96, 0.92, 1.04, 1.0, 0.95, 1.05 (C): None of the options (D): 0.93, 0.96, 1.08, 1.04, 1.0, 0.95, 1.05
105437. If a time series data is given below then find three yearly moving averages to find trend. Which one of the options is correct:
(A): 30, 34 ,43 (B): 35, 25, 42 (C): 43, 33, 30 (D): 90, 102, 129
105438. Theprobabilitythatacontractorgetsaplumbingcontractis2/3andtheprobabilitythathewillnotgetanelectriccontractis5/9.Iftheprobabilityof gettingatleastonecontractis4/5,thentheprobabilitythathewillgetboththecontractsis:
(A): 13/45 (B): 14/45 (C): 16/45 (D): 17/45
105439. Intimeseriesanalysiswhichsourceofvariationcanbeestimatedbytheratiototrendmethod:
(A): seasonal index (B): trend (C): cyclical fluctuations (D): seasonal variation
105440. Ifthearithmeticmeanis26.8andthemedianis27.9,thenthemodeis:
(A): 27.3 (B): 27.4 (C): 30.1 (D): 29.3
105441. Which number would replace underline mark in the series?1, 20, 58, ____, 191.
(A): 105 (B): 111 (C): 115 (D): 116
105442. Which number would replace underline mark in the series?1, 6, 26,_____, 426.
(A): 106 (B): 76 (C): 86 (D): 96
105443. Which number would replace underline mark in the series 2, 5, 10, 17, -, 37
(A): 24 (B): 26 (C): 27 (D): 28
105444. Which of the following is exactly in the middle between the tenth from the left and the eighth from the right end
(A): # (B): $ (C): B (D): G
105445. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediatelypreceded by a symbol and immediately followed by a number
(A): None (B): One (C): Three (D): Two
105446. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed bya consonant and immediately followed by a symbol
(A): Four (B): One (C): Three (D): Two
105447. Which of the following is the seventh to the right of the nineteenth from the right end
(A): 3 (B): M (C): P (D): W
105448. Which of the following is the third to the right of the twelth from the left end of the abovearrangement
(A): B (B): J (C): O (D): ©
105449. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followedby another consonant but not imediately preceded by a symbo
(A): None of these (B): One (C): Three (D): Two
105450. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded bya number but not immediately followed by a consonant
(A): None of these (B): One (C): Three (D): Two
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