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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2545

127251. Which of these is not an Anga:

127252. Madona and The school of Athens are the famous painting of?

127253. The Mridanga Vidawan who has been awarded the Padma Bhushan in 2012:

127254. Kundanachi Tala representated in which musical form:

127255. How many Aksharas denotes in Kundanachi Tala?

127256. Another name of Khanda Chapu Tala:

127257. Misra Jati Ada Tala is named according to Katapayadi Sankhya:

127258. Another name of Bindu Tala:

127259. The Graha which starts after the song:

127260. In which Chapter Tala is described in Natyasastra:

127261. Who among the following Pakhawaj player received the title of Mridangacharya from Sardar Vallabhai Patel?

127262. Find out the number of Matras of a Korvai which was resulted by the playing of Adi Tala 2 Kalai(Tisra Gathi)starts at sama and ends with 1 / 2raise to ½ edam of the Tal(Each Kalas occur once)

127263. Meaning of the term,Touratrikam:

127264. Corresponding Tala of Tisra Triputa in Hindusthani Music:

127265. Corresponding Tala of Keharva in Carnatic Music:

127266. Corresponding Tala of Rupaka in Supana Sangita

127267. What do you mean by ‘Dhekka’?

127268. The name in which the reckoning of Tala used in Bhajan Smapradaya:

127269. What is anibadha gana?

127270. What is Avarthana?

127271. In a traverse the deflection angle is the difference between:

127272. Inner surface of arch is called:

127273. Separation of water from fresh concrete is:

127274. Volume of trapezoidal footing having base are A1,top area A2 and mid area Am and height H is:

127275. One Nautical mile in metres is:

127276. The vertical member of wood or metal supporting handrail is:

127277. Efflorescence is caused by:

127278. Mix proportion for DPC 5cm cement concrete is:

127279. The cross hairs in a telescope are fitted:

127280. Half turn stair is one which has its direction changed for:

127281. Initial setting time of quick setting cement is:

127282. Number of rise in a stair will be:

127283. The leveling of instrument is done so that:

127284. Roof formed by four sloping side in four direction is:

127285. Bulking of sand is caused

127286. Rate of lead and lift in the case of excavation of earth is for:

127287. If contour lines are equally spaced ,they indicate:

127288. The slump recpommended for concrete work for foundation in mm is:

127289. Water absorption for First Class brick in 24 hours immersion in water should not exceed:

127290. The volume of cement in a 50 kg bag in litres is:

127291. The instrument used for measurement of area on a contour map is:

127292. Dado is generally provided in:

127293. The maximum percentage of ingredient of cement is:

127294. For steel pipe work,the important dimension is:

127295. Which of the following is the method of resection?

127296. Pile foundations are provided on:

127297. Tensile strength of wood is:

127298. Which one is weak concrete?

127299. Two forces,6 kg and 8 kg act at right angle to each other.The resultant force will be:

127300. Which one has least area?

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