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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 3317

165851. Who amongst the following appoints the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission, India?

165852. The highest position in the country an IAS officer can aspire for is?

165853. The Chief Minister of the National Capital Territory of Delhi shall be appointed/elected by the?

165854. The basic difference between the Indian President and the British Monarch is?

165855. What is the extent of claim that can be entertained by a Lok Adalat?

165856. Which of the following is/are true about the "Gram Nyayalayas":(i) These courts will be mobile courts and will function at Panchayat level. (ii) The Magistrates of these courts will go to the villages in their area of coverage and will dispose off cases of the villages there itself. (iii) Only civil suits related to the property of Rs. 5,00,000 and above will be disposed off in this Way.?

165857. Nowadays the Election Commission of India Uses 'EVM' during the general election in the country. What Is the full form of EVM?

165858. The President can remove a Judge of the Supreme Court or the Chief Election Commissioner?

165859. To ensure their impartiality, a retired Chief Justice of India or other Judges of the Supreme Court are debarred from practicing in any?

165860. A State Governor has?

165861. The Governor holds office for ___ years from the date of assumption of office.?

165862. The Governor is the ___ of the Universities in the State.?

165863. The executive power of the State is vested in the?

165864. A State Governor enjoys?

165865. During the temporary absence of a Governor the ___ is appointed to officiate as Governor.?

165866. The Chief Minister remains in power as along as he enjoys the confidence of the?

165867. The legal adviser to a State Government is known as the?

165868. The Third Schedule of the Constitution details?

165869. The Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service have been created by the?

165870. The First Amendment made in 1951 added a new Schedule to the Constitution. It was the ___ Schedule.?

165871. The Central Provinces and Berar are now known as?

165872. Grants-in-aid are provided to such states as are in need of assistance by the?

165873. The Speaker of Lok Sabha is elected by?

165874. The maximum strength of the Select Committee of the Lok Sabha is?

165875. The foundations for the federal system in the Indian Constitution were laid in the?

165876. Consider the following statements: (1) Highest Law officer of India is Attorney General (2) Highest Law officer of a State in India is Advocate General Which among the above statements is/ are correct?

165877. ’Sarbajit Roy versus DERC’ was a famous case in the later half of 2006. This case is particularly related to which of the following?

165878. “A rule of legislative procedure under which further debate on a motion can be stopped” is known in parliamentary terminology as__?

165879. “All powers of Government and all authority-legislative, executive and judicial are derived from the people and the same shall be exercised in the commonwealth of India through the organizations, established by or under and in accord with, this constitution”. The above para has been taken from which among the following (which has been characterized by some scholars as “Constitution of Commonwealth of India”)?

165880. “Cervus elaphus hanglu” is the state animal of which among the following states?

165881. “India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management” is located at:

165882. “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States”. The above mandate has been enshrined in the Constitution of India, in which among the following?

165883. “Jungapithia” is the state fish of which among the following states of India?

165884. “National Integration Council” was created for making welfare measures for the ..?

165885. “Prime Minister’s 15 Point Programme” in India is related to which among the following segments of society?

165886. “Right to service” is an important part of which among the following bills / act?

165887. “Right to vote” can be placed in which among the following categories?

165888. “Riksdag” is the name of parliament of which of the following?

165889. “Socialist” was implicit in the constitution, but made explicit by _______?

165890. “Test of reasonableness ” is a very important consequence under the following articles?

165891. “The independence of Judiciary” in Indian constitution is taken from.

165892. “We command” is a literal meaning of which of the following?

165893. “We must not for a moment forget, it is a birth right of every individual to receive at least the basic education without which he cannot fully discharge his duties as a citizen.” Who among the following personalities of India is known to have made this famous statement regarding “Right to Education”?

165894. ” Maulana Azad National Fellowship scheme” is available in India for the students of which among the following?

165895. ”All those laws that were in force immediately before the enactment of the constitution shall be void to the extent of inconsistency with the fundamental rights”. Essence of Article 13(1) which quotes this can be placed under which of the following?

165896. 14th September, 1949 Constitution-makers of the country decided to accord the status of _________ to Hindi. Choose the most correct option:

165897. 7, Race Course Road, the official residence of Indian Prime Minister is commonly known as ___?

165898. 73rd Amendment of the Constitution of India, is related to which among the following?

165899. A bill becomes an act when __________?

165900. A bill cannot become an act of parliament, unless and until_____?

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