1. Determine the internal axial force, shear force, and moment at point F of the frame.
2. The work platform supports an 80-kg man having a mass center at G. Determine the axial force, shear force, and bending moment at point E of the telescopic column AB due to the load of the man only.
3. Determine the internal axial force, shear force, and moment at point E of the oleo strut AB of the aircraft landing gear.
4. A force of 500 N acts at the top of the two-member frame. If the members are in smooth contact with one another at A, B, and C with no fasteners, determine the shear force developed at a horizontal section through point D of the support. Also, what are the axial force, shear force and moment at point E?
5. The axial forces act on the shaft as shown. Determine the internal axial force at points A and B.