technical-drawing-tolerancing Related Question Answers
1. Acceptable parts must not extend beyond this:
2. This practice considers an individual part's dimensions and tolerances and that part's relation to its related parts:
5. Nominal size is used for general identification and is usually expressed in decimals.
8. Geometric tolerances state the maximum allowable variations of a form or its position from the perfect geometry implied in the drawing.
9. In reference to geometric tolerancing, the term "geometric" refers to forms such as planes, cylinders, and squares.
10. Implied 90 degree angles typically have different general tolerances applied to them than other angles covered by a general note.
11. Datum surfaces and features are used as references to control other features.
12. Allowance is the maximum clearance or minimum interference specified to achieve a fit between two mating parts.
16. Large batches of parts may use statistical methods to control quality where a sample of parts is inspected.
17. Tolerances of form and position are typically not used to control straightness.
18. When lines intersect on a drawing at angles of this many degrees, it is customary not to dimension the angle:
19. This is the term for the range of tightness or looseness resulting from the allowances and tolerances in mating parts:
20. This is the measured size of a finished part:
21. This means that a feature of a finished product contains the maximum amount of material permitted by the toleranced dimensions for that feature:
22. This is the theoretically exact size from which limits of size are determined:
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