World Related Question Answers
1201. Who is the author of Mrs Warren's Profession ?
Bernard Shaw
1202. Who is the creator of the famous character “Dorian Gray”
Oscar Wilde
1203. Who is the author of Murder on the Orient Express ?
Agatha Christie
1204. Britain of the South?
New Zealand
1205. The first foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna was?
Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
1206. Which country was the birth place of Renaissance movement?
1207. New York city is situated on the banks of ?
Hudson river
1208. The Tombs of Egyptian Pharohs were known as ?
1209. Who is the author of Edward II ?
Christopher Marlowe
1210. Who is the creator of the famous character “Micky Mouse”
Walt Disney
1211. Who is the author of Nirmala ?
Prem Chand
1212. Largest State in?
Uttar Pradesh (India)
1213. Who is the author of Brick Lane ?
Monica Ali
1214. The period when man began to use Bronze tools and weapons is known as?
Bronze Age
1215. Who is the author of "An Idealist View of Life"?
Dr. S.Radhakrishnan
1216. SEATO stands for?
South East Asian Treaty Organization
1217. Largest River in Volume?
Amazon (Brazil; South America)
1218. Who is the author of Earth ?
Emile lola
1219. Sugar Bowl of the world?
1220. Which Language is considered as the Vehicle of Medieval Culture?
Latin Language
1221. Radcliffe Line separates?
India and Pakistan
1222. Who is the author of Business at the Speed of Thought ?
Bill Gates
1223. Who is the author of .First Among Equals?
Joffery Archer
1224. The Capital of Croatia?
1225. Who is the author of Ratnavali ?
Harsha Vardhan
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