Synonyms Related Question Answers
26. Although (conj)
even if; even though; though; while
27. Altruistic (adj.)
benevolent; humane; generous; charitable
28. Always (adv.)
ever; evermore; forever; without exception
29. Ambiguous (adj.)
confused; doubtful; obscure; vague
30. Among (prep)
amidst; amongst; between; midst
31. Analysis (n)
division; enquiry; review; scrutiny
32. Ancestor (n)
forefather; predecessor; Antecedent; forerunner
33. Ancient (adj.)
obsolete; aged; old-fashioned; out-of-date
34. Anonymous (adj.)
nameless; unknown; faceless; impersonal
35. Antipathy (n)
disgust; dislike; ill-will; enmity; hate
36. Anxiety (n)
desire; distress; dread; tension; worry
37. Anxious (adj.)
impatient; worried; tortured; afraid
38. Apathetic (adj.)
emotionless; impassive; indifferent; passive
39. Apology (n)
acknowledgement; excuse; justification; defence;
40. Apparent (adj.)
clear; declared; obvious; visible
41. Applause (n)
approval; commendation; congratulation; praise
42. Aristocrat (n)
nobleman; noble; peeress; woman; peer
43. Arrival (n)
appearance; approach; entrance; occurrence
44. Arrogant (adj.)
conceited; haughty; proud; contemptuous
45. Artificial (adj.)
man-made; bogus; thetic; unnatural
46. Ascend (v)
mount; move up; climb; go up
47. Aspirant (n)
applicant; suitor; candidate; competitor
48. Assassin(n)
bravo; killer; murderer; slayer
49. Audible (adj.)
appreciable; clear; detectable; distinct
50. Awkward (adj.)
clumsy; difficult; inexpert
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