Synonyms Related Question Answers
251. Mountain (n)
mount; peak; height
252. Musician (n)
performer; player; singer; vocalist
253. Mournful (adj.)
depressed; painful; tragic; woeful
254. Mysterious (adj.)
curious; secret; hidden; mystical
255. Mythical (adj.)
imaginary; legendary fabled; fairytale
256. Narrow (adj.)
limited; restricted; marginal; cramped
257. Naughty (adj.)
mischievous; roguish; playful; disobedient
258. Necessary (adj.)
compulsory; essential; needful; obligatory
259. Nightmare (n)
bad dream; horror; trial
260. Non-violent (adj.)
pacifist; peaceful
261. Notorious (adj.)
Infamous; flagrant; undisputed
262. Nourish (v)
cherish; comfort; cultivate; encourage
263. Nuisance (n)
irritation; offence; pain; trouble
264. Nutritious (adj.)
healthful; nourishing; nutritive
265. Noxious (adj.)
baneful; corrupting; destructive; harmful; injurious
266. Oblivious (adj.)
careless; forgetful; ignorant; negligent
267. Obnoxious (adj.)
abhorrent; abominable; odious; repulsive
268. Obvious (adj.)
apparent; clear; transparent; distinct
269. On looker (n)
observer; spectator; watcher; witness; viewer
270. Opaque (adj.)
cloudy; obscure; unclear; dim
271. Opponent (n)
challenger; foe; antagonist; enemy
272. Orator(n)
lecturer; preacher; speaker
273. Optional (adj.)
extra; voluntary; possible
274. Overcome(v)
defeat; over throw; triumph
275. Owner(n)
lord; master; proprietor
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