Synonyms Related Question Answers
76. Calm (adj.)
quiet; relaxed; mild; peaceful; tranquil
77. Camouflage (n)
deception; disguise; blind; cloak
78. Community (n)
society; association; fellowship
79. Catalogue (n)
list; record; register
80. Cautious (adj.)
alert; careful; vigilant; watchful
81. Celebrate (v)
commend; glorify; extol; honour
82. Cemetery (n)
burial-ground; churchyard; graveyard
83. Colleague (n)
ally; assistant; helper; partner
84. Comfortable (adj.)
delightful; enjoyable; pleasant; restful
85. Command (v)
charge; compel; dominate; govern
86. Compare (v)
contrast; parallel; resemble; match
87. Compassionate (adj.)
benevolent; humane; kind hearted; merciful
88. Compile (v)
accumulate; arrange; gather; organise
89. Complicated (adj.)
complex; difficult; elaborate; intricate
90. Conceal (v)
bury; disguise; hide; obscure
91. Condemn (v)
. blame; convict; reproach
92. Confident (adj.)
convinced; satisfied; secure; sure
93. Congratulations (n)
compliments; good wishes; greetings
94. Contemporary (adj.)
current; latest; modem; recent
95. Controversy (n)
argument; debate; dispute; quarrel
96. Convenience (n)
advantage; comfort; service; appliance
97. Copy(n)
duplicate; pattem; photostat; xerox
98. Courageous (adj.)
brave; heroic; lion-hearted; high hearted
99. Courteous (adj.)
attentive; polite; respectful; urbane
100. Cowardice (n)
faint-hearted; fear
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