Indian-Polity Related Question Answers
126. The Amendment that made the right to free and compulsory education a ‘Fundamental Right’?
127. The Constitutional amendment granted a position of primacy to all Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights?
128. The Schedule of the Constitution that was added by 73rd Amendment?
129. The number of members in the estimate committee of Parliament?
130. The number of members in the Previlege Committee of Parliament?
131. The number of members in the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament?
132. Which Commonwealth country has the most powerful upper house?
133. Who elects the deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha?
All the members of Rajya Sabha
134. Who is the authority to grant permission to a member of Lok Sabha to speak in his mother tongue if he does not know English or Hindi?
135. The number of Articles under the Directive Principles when the Constitution was brought into force?
136. On which date Lok Sabha was formed?
17th April; 1952
137. Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA) was passed by the Parliament in?
138. National Security Act (NSA) was passed by the Parliament in?
139. Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA) was passed by the Parliament in?
140. In the case of resignation, a member of Lok Sabha must submit his resignation to?
141. In which kind of emergency can the salaries of even Supreme Court Judges be reduced?
142. Number of Part A states in India when the Constitution was brought into force?
143. The date of first sitting of the first Rajya Sabha?
144. The first elected president of the Central Legislative Assembly?
Vithalbhai Patel
145. The first speaker of Lok Sabha?
GV Mavlankar
146. The most populated princely state at the time of independence?
147. When a proclamation of national emergency is in force, the term of Lok Sabha can be extended by Parliament for the first time for a period not exceeding ...... at a time?
One year
148. Who determines whether a bill is money bill?
149. Who was known as ‘father of Lok Sabha’?
GV Mavlankar
150. The interval between two consecutive sessions of Lok Sabha shall be less than ........ months?
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