Astronomy-Objective Related Question Answers
76. The region in the milkyway where the sun is situated?
Orion Arm
77. The visible part of the Sun’s surface is called?
78. Stream of protons blowing out of the corona and sweeping over the whole solar system is called?
Solar wind
79. Bright spots seen on the surface of the sun is called?
80. Dark spots seen on the surface of the sun is called?
81. The average temperature of the planets?
decreases with greater distance from the Sun
82. The inner planets in the solar system are?
83. The outer planets in the solar system?
84. The planet nearest to the sun?
85. The smallest planet?
86. Period of rotation of Mercury?
58 days
87. Revolution period of Mercury?
88 days
88. The most hostile planet is?
89. Which two planets in the solar system do not have moons?
Mercury and Venus
90. In what way are the planets Mars, Mercury, and Earth similar?
They have elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus.
91. The planet nearest to the Earth?
92. The twin planet of earth?
93. The most mysterious planet?
94. The only planet that rotate from east to west?
95. The slowest rotating planet?
96. Period of rotation of Venus?
243 days
97. The Revolution period of Venus is?
227 days
98. Which planet is called the Morning star and the Evening star?
99. Which planet takes more time to complete one rotation on its axis than to complete one revolution around the Sun?
100. How fast does Venus travel around the Sun?
Venus revolves at a speed of 35 kilometres per second.
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