63251. An RC circuit initially at rest has a step signal. The response V(t) across C is V(t) = 1 - e-at, If now there is an initial voltage on C of 2 volts for the same step signal, V(t) is now
63252. In the network of the figure is the maximum power is delivered to RL if its value is
63253. Which of the following beliefs doesn’t belong to Mahavira’s Triratna?
63254. A series circuit having R = 3 Ω and L = 2 H is excited by a 10 V battery. At t = 0+, di/dt is
63255. Three resistances of 15 Ω, 10 Ω and 3 Ω are connected in parallel. The overall resistance is
63256. In figure, the switch is closed at t = 0. At t = 0+ The value of current supplied by battery is
63257. In the circuit shown in the figure the power dissipated in 30 Ω resistor will be maximum if the value of R is
63258. Which of the following polynomials is not Hurwitz?
63259. Which of the following is a chemical change?
63260. A network has 10 nodes and 17 branches. The number of different node pair are
63261. In a series RC circuit Z = (R2 + ω2C2)0.5.
63262. Grading curve is drawn from the test data of:
63263. If V = 20 + j20, then loge(A) A is
63264. In an ac network the sum of currents entering a node is 10 ∠45°. The sum of currents leaving the node is
63265. A parallel RLC network has R = 4Ω, L = 4H, C = 0.25F. Then at resonance Q =
63266. A T network is inserted between source and R as shown in figure. The resistance seen by the source remains the same with or without T network when R is
63267. Thermal expansion takes place in a?
63268. In figure, the time constant for the capacitor charging is
63269. In figure, the short circuit current through terminal AB will be
63270. The current wave of figure, is passed through a 3 H inductor during the period 0 to 2 seconds
63271. The minimum number of equations required to analyze the circuit shown in the figure is
63272. If Z(s) has a pole at origin, the realization leads to
63273. A series resonant circuit has inductance L. If L is increased, the resonant frequency
63274. In a coupled coil the primary has 100 turns and secondary has 200 turns. The primary produces, a flux Φ = e-t. The coefficient of coupling is 1. The voltages induced in secondary is
63275. The Parliament of Japan?
63276. What is known as Green Vitriol?
63277. With Is disconnected I = - 1, when Is = b is connected, the value of I will become
63278. In a resistor the current is i and the voltage is v. The rate of dissipation of heat at any time t is
63279. When two port networks are connected in cascade, it is more convenient to use hybrid parameters.
63280. If absolute potential of A is - 8 V and that of B is - 16 V, VAB is equal to
63281. An RLC series circuit is excited by 200 V, 100 Hz supply. The current is 20 A. If R = 10 Ω, XL = 50 Ω, XC is
63282. For a given voltage four heating coils will give maximum heat when connected
63283. A system defined by is initially at rest, and x = u(t) sin 2t then the forced response is K sin (2t - θ). The value of θ given by
63284. A well graded sandy soil containing clay is represented by the symbol as per IS classification:
63285. An R-L series circuit has R = 5 Ω and L = .01 H. It is fed by ac 50 Hz supply. The rms current in the circuit is 5 A. The active power supplied by the source is
63286. A particular current is made up of two components 10A dc and sinusoidal current of peak value 14.14A. The average of resultant current is
63287. In figure, the switch is closed at t = 0. After some time i = 6A and rate of change of current was 4A/s. The value of inductor is
63288. Assertion (A): In series R-L-C circuit, the current may lead or lag the voltage depending on the value of R.Reason (R): Phase angle of an R-L series circuit is tan-1 (ωL/R).
63289. Which one of the following statements is true about glaciers?
63290. An RL impedance function can also be realized as
63291. A step voltages is applied to RLC series circuit having R = 2 Ω, L = 1 H and C = 1 F. The transient current response will be
63292. Class C solid insulators should not be used above 100°C.
63293. Assertion (A): Superposition theorem can be used to find the output of a full wave rectifier excited by sinusoidal signal sources of different frequencies connected in series.Reason (R): Superposition theorem is valid for all linear systems.
63294. The current through a 1 mH inductance is i(t) = 2.56 x 10-2 - 4 x 103 t for 2 ≤ t ≤ 20 μ sec. The voltage across the inductor is
63295. Insulation resistance of a cable is directly proportional to its length.
63296. In the following circuit, i(t) under steady state is
63297. The equivalent circuit of a resistor is shown in the given figure. The resistor will be non-inductive if
63298. For a series RLC circuit bandwidth is ω2 - ω1 = R/2L.
63299. The possibility of quick sand condition will be there when flow of water to soil is:
63300. In figure, the voltage V1 = 4∠0 V. The source voltage V2 is