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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1408
70401. The two kinds of piston rings are
70402. The maximum torque multiplication ratio in a torque converter is about
70403. The sequence in which the force is transmitted through a brake system when the brake pedal is depressed is
70404. You can use the.......bar to type a URL and display a web page, or type a keyword to display a list of related web pages?
70405. The last district formed in kerala was?
70406. The heat transfer from coolant to air in the radiator of an automobile engine takes place by
70407. The purpose of a thermostat in an engine cooling system is to
70408. The basic characteristics of a brake fluid is
70409. The petrol engine works on
70410. The gradient resistance to a vehicle having a mass of 980 kg moving on an incline of 10° is
70411. The reconditioning process used to give cylinder bore surfaces a cross-hatch pattern, is known as
70412. The function of a radiator fan in the cooling system is that
70413. During the period of the Renaissance, new styles of architecture first developed in .........?
70414. Jaggery, a source of sugar, is a liquid obtained from the developing flower bud of?
70415. Instead of valves, the ports are used in case of
70416. The starting system includes
70417. The purpose of adding pigment to the paint is that it
70418. A laminated glass upon cracking
70419. In a four speed four-stroke Diesel engine, the intake valve
70420. When the top of the wheel is tilted outward, then it is called
70421. The purpose of transmission in an automobile is
70422. A basic difference between the spark ignition engine and the Diesel engine is that the
70423. The cam shaft in an engine is always mounted
70424. Caster is a
70425. A front stabilizer bar is used to
70426. ‘Ramnadh Goyanka Award’ is related to which field?
70427. When indicated power (I.P.) and frictional power (F.P.) are known, we can calculate
70428. A battery can be charged by
70429. Which among the following have the most prize amount?
70430. The order in which effort applied to the steering wheel is transferred to the front wheel is
70431. One Fathom = ............feet?
70432. An oil filter bypass valve opens when the
70433. The hero of the American war of Independence was?
70434. The main characteristics of a maintenance-free (MF) battery is that
70435. The most accurate ignition system of a spark ignition engine is
70436. The main function of a resonator is that it
70437. Who was advisor to the constituent assembly?
70438. The fuel pump of a programmed fuel injection (PFI) system operate for two seconds when the ignition is turned to the start position to
70439. In which of the following conditions, the idle CO percentage should be measured with the vehicle ?
70440. The mechanical efficiency (ηm) of an I.C. engine is equal to (where I.P. = Indicated power, B.P. = Brake power and F.P. = Frictional power)
70441. The lower cylindrical portion of the piston which improves piston cooling performance is called
70442. The most effective method of controlling S.I. engine exhaust emission is by
70443. The power actually developed inside the engine cylinder is called as
70444. When cornering, the differential generates a difference in the speed of the left and right wheels.
70445. If clearance volume of I.C. engines is increased, the compression ratio will
70446. The basic function of the suspension is to
70447. Damper in an automobile is used to
70448. The combustion process in a Diesel engine is a
70449. The damper fluid leakage typically occur from
70450. The compression ratio of a petrol engine is nearly
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