88452. Which among the following is a malware programme that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers?
88453. The act of creating misleading websites for the purpose of online identity theft is called?
88454. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for operating wi-fi network?
88455. The activity of creating sectors and tracks on a hard disk is called?
88456. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team serves as?
88457. What is the function of the control unit in the CPU?
88458. Any electronic signature or electronic authentication technique shall be considered reliable?
88459. Which of the following is used for email transmission across internet?
88460. Securing or attempting to secure access to a protected system in contravention of section 70 of the Information Technology Act is an offence which is?
88461. Toxic substances enter into the food chains and accumulate on higher trophic levels. The phenomenon is called?
88462. Which of the following is a mixed nerve?
88463. The smallest and lightest bone in the human body?
88464. The vaccine used in pulse polio immunisation campaign in India?
88465. In a monohybrid cross, a heterozygous tall pea plant is crossed with a dwarf pea plant. Which type of progenies is formed in the Fl generation?
88466. The elements which show variable valency?
88467. Which compound is called 'Carborundum'?
88468. The lens used to rectify the disease, 'Myopia'?
88469. The most abundant element in the earth crust is?
88470. The unit of acceleration is?
88471. Who is the governor of Meghalaya?
88472. Best documentary film of 2015 Oscar 'Citizen four' is directed by?
88473. Which city was the venue of 19th national youth festival 2015?
88474. What is India's rank in the global happiness index 2015?
88475. Name the heaviest next generation rocket launched by ISRO recently?
88476. Who is the author of the book 'Lives of Others'?
88477. Who is also known as Muthukutti Swami?
88478. Who did first malayalam printing?
88479. The order permitting channar women to wear jacket was issued by which diwan?
88480. The 'Kochi Pulaya Maha Sabha' was founded in 1913 under whose leadership?
88481. Name the first travelogue in malayalam?
88482. Who is known as Kafir?
88483. Perambadi Ghat gives access to 'which place'?
88484. The megalithic site of Cheramanagad is locally known as?
88485. Hippalus the founder of south west monsoon was a pilot from which country?
88486. Chenthuruni wild life sanctuary is a part of which forest?
88487. Which is the largest city on the banks of Godavari?
88488. India has largest border with which country?
88489. Who is popularly known as 'Lokahitawadi'?
88490. The Rani of Jhansi had died in the battle field on?
88491. Who was the first muslim president ofIndian National Congress?
88492. 'Tatvabodhini Patrika' promoted the study of India's past, in which language?
88493. What is the name of Mount Everest in Nepal?
88494. How many districts are there in India according to 2011census?
88495. The first Indian meteorological observatory was set up at which place?
88496. Who was the leader of Chittagong armoury raid?
88497. Supreme Court Judges retire at the age of?
88498. Public Information officer is expected to reply within hours if the life and liberty of the person is involved?
88499. National Mission for Justice delivery and legal reforms in India was set up in the year?
88500. Sexual harassment at work place Act was passed in the?