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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1913
95651. The doctor gave him an injection to _______ the temperature.
95652. What is the ............event in this short story?
95653. He was absorbed -------- his thoughts.
95654. If you eat too much you ....... ill
95655. Adjective of 'quarrel' is
95656. This is...........useful piece of information
95657. We have to stay here ______ he comes
95658. Thestudy or collection of coins and medals. The study
95659. He will help me if he..........the answer
95660. ഗാന്ധിജി സിവില് ആജ്ഞാ ലംഘന പ്രസ്ഥാനം പിന്വലിക്കാനുണ്ടായ കാരണം [ gaandhiji sivil aajnjaa lamghana prasthaanam pinvalikkaanundaaya kaaranam]
95661. "ഒരു കുരുവിയുടെ പതനം" എന്നത് ആരുടെ ആത്മകഥയാണ്? [ "oru kuruviyude pathanam" ennathu aarude aathmakathayaan?]
95662. തെക്കേ അമേരിക്കയിലെ ജോര്ജ് വാഷിംഗ്ടണ് [ thekke amerikkayile jorju vaashimgdan]
95663. You can -------
95664. When I reached his house he .....
95665. The meaning of ‘dilapidated’:
95666. This room is .................. lager than the other
95667. The synonym of ‘frugal’ is
95668. The winter is bound to be harsh; it is ............ necessary to save fuel
95669. Will you do me a favour if.........you?
95670. She slipped the letter ----- the letter-box through the slit at the top.
95671. We shall not...............with other people's affairs.
95672. നളചരിതം ആട്ടക്കഥ എഴുതിയതാര് ? [ nalacharitham aattakkatha ezhuthiyathaaru ?]
95673. The idiom ‘tooth and nail’ means.
95674. He is –––––– .
95675. ‘TERSE’ Means:
95676. My uncle and guardian ........ me to study medicine.
95677. “What was his full name?” “_____”
95678. The escape velocity of a body depends on:
95679. Choose the correct one word: The act of killing oneself
95680. The opposite of 'pride'
95681. It............since eight o' clock this morning.
95682. Government by rich people
95683. The antonym of ‘dismiss’ is ....................
95684. നാനാ സാഹിബ് ഏതു പേരിലാണ് പ്രശസ്തനായത് ? [ naanaa saahibu ethu perilaanu prashasthanaayathu ?]
95685. 1911 എന്ന വര്ഷവുമായി ബന്ധമില്ലാത്ത പ്രസ്താവന [ 1911 enna varshavumaayi bandhamillaattha prasthaavana]
95686. കമലാസുരയ്യ ട്രസ്റ്റിന്റെ പ്രഥമ സാഹിത്യപുരസ്ക്കാരം ലഭിച്ചത്? [ kamalaasurayya drasttinte prathama saahithyapuraskkaaram labhicchath?]
95687. "എ മൈനസ് ബി" എന്ന കൃതി രചിച്ചത്? [ "e mynasu bi" enna kruthi rachicchath?]
95688. ഹര്ഷവര്ധനന്റെ ആസ്ഥാനകവി [ harshavardhanante aasthaanakavi]
95689. രാഷ്ട്രകൂടരുടെ തലസ്ഥാനം [ raashdrakoodarude thalasthaanam]
95690. സമ്പൂര്ണ്ണവിപ്ലവം എന്ന ആശയത്തിന്റെ ഉപജ്ഞാതാവ്? [ sampoornnaviplavam enna aashayatthinte upajnjaathaav?]
95691. In Africa slaves were deprived --------- many of the human rights.
95692. He hasn’t been here for .......... some time
95693. I have met ----------- one eyed man today.
95694. The opposite of ‘‘resist’’ is :
95695. The baby began to relax when it sat _________.
95696. My son is only one and a half years old but he can already.............
95697. Find the misspelt word
95698. The meaning of euthanasia:
95699. He has a great reputation ........... honesty.
95700. The ......... of the ass is not sweet at all
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