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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 2308

115401. Which is the largest water fowl?

Answer: Swan

115402. Which is the smallest bird?

Answer: Humming bird

115403. Which is the smallest water fowl?

Answer: Duck

115404. Which is the most intelligent bird?

Answer: Blue tit

115405. Which bird weighs less than an insect?

Answer: Humming bird

115406. Name the large; flightless bird of Australia:?

Answer: The emu

115407. Which is the flying mammal?

Answer: The Bat

115408. Which bird locates its prey by smell?

Answer: Kiwi

115409. Which is the most domestic and common bird?

Answer: Chicken

115410. Which bird has a melodious; flute like call?

Answer: Oriole

115411. Which bird is nocturnal in habit?

Answer: Nightjar

115412. Which type of bird is often seen in a party of seven?

Answer: Babbler

115413. Name the bird that is expert in eating mosquitoes:?

Answer: European Reed Warbler

115414. Which is the smallest amphibian in the world?

Answer: Newts (salamanders)

115415. What are the difference between the frog and the toad?

Answer: The frogs are smooth - skinned while the toads are warty

115416. Where do the amphibians lay their eggs?

Answer: Amphibians lay their eggs in ponds and slow moving streams

115417. Which is the smallest reptile?

Answer: Tiny gecko

115418. Which is the largest frog in the world?

Answer: Rare Goliath Frog

115419. Name some common reptiles:?

Answer: Crocodiles; Turtles; Lizards and Snakes

115420. What is the gecko?

Answer: Ordinary nocturnal lizard

115421. Which is the most venomous snake?

Answer: Sea snake

115422. The first snake park in India is in?

Answer: Chennai

115423. The land where snakes are absent?

Answer: Newzealand

115424. What are the three major types of fishes?

Answer: Jawless fishes; rays and sharks

115425. Which fish like organism has three hearts?

Answer: The cuttle fish (Mollusca)

115426. Which fishes are called the man eaters?

Answer: The piranhas

115427. What is called an electric eel?

Answer: The eels which are found in S. American rivers can discharge almost 400-500 volts from its tail

115428. What is Portuguese man-ofwar?

Answer: It is a jelly fish like floating colony of polyps

115429. What is seal?

Answer: Seal is an aquatic mammal found in coastal waters

115430. How long can a sperm whale hold its breath during a dive?

Answer: 2 hours

115431. The air - breathing fish?

Answer: Mud – Skipper

115432. Who discovered Aspirin?

Answer: Felix Hofman

115433. Who developed the Polio Vaccine?

Answer: Jonas Salk

115434. Who discovered Penicillin?

Answer: Alexander Flemming

115435. Who discovered the bacterium which causes anthrax?

Answer: Robert Koch

115436. Who first discovered cells?

Answer: Robert Hooke

115437. Who discovered Insulin?

Answer: Sir Frederick Grant Banting and J.J.R. Macleod

115438. Who wrote the book "Origin of Species"?

Answer: Charles Darwin

115439. Who proposed the term "Species"?

Answer: John Ray In 17th century

115440. Who proposed the theory of Biogenesis?

Answer: Louis Pasteur

115441. Who coined the term "Ecology"?

Answer: German biologist Ernst Haekel

115442. Name the instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure:?

Answer: Barometer

115443. The instrument used by the doctors to hear and analyses the sound of lungs and heart?

Answer: Stethoscope

115444. Which organism covers the sea for miles together and is a wonderful sight to see?

Answer: Jelly fish (coelenterata

115445. The instrument used for measuring the relative density of milk?

Answer: Lactometer

115446. Name the scientist who proposed the theory of mutation:?

Answer: Hugo de Vries

115447. Who discovered Malarial parasite?

Answer: Ronald Ross

115448. Who discovered the plant cell?

Answer: Schleden and Robert Hook

115449. Who is the father of Taxonomy?

Answer: Carolus Linnaeus

115450. Who is the father of Eugenics?

Answer: Francis Galton
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