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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 2309
115451. Who was the inventor of open Heart Surgery?
Answer: Walton Lillehel
115452. Who was the inventer of oral Polio vaccine?
Answer: Albert Sabin
115453. Who was the inventor of Cancer?
Answer: Robert Weinbery
115454. Who produced the artificial gene?
Answer: H.G. Khorana
115455. Who was the inventor of D.D.T?
Answer: Paul Muller
115456. Who was the inventor of Heart Transplant Surgery?
Answer: Christian Barnard
115457. World’s first artificial heart transplantation surgery was done by?
Answer: William de Vries in 1983
115458. World’s first artificial heart ‘Jarvic-7’ is designed by?
Answer: Robert Jarvic
115459. Who was the inventor of Insulin for Diabetes?
Answer: Banting & Best
115460. Who was the inventor of Rh-factor?
Answer: Karl Landsteiner
115461. Who was the inventor of Synthetic Antigens?
Answer: Landsteiner
115462. Who discovered LSD?
Answer: Hoff man
115463. Who invented antipolio vaccine?
Answer: Jonas E. Salk (1955)
115464. Who was the inventor of blood circulation?
Answer: William Harvey
115465. Who was the inventor of Cholera; T.B. Germs?
Answer: Robert Koch THE HUMAN BODY
115466. How many bones are there in the Spinal Cord?
Answer: 33 bones
115467. Which gland in the human body is referred to as the gland of emergency with triple F-fight; flight and fright?
Answer: Adrenal gland. It is situated above the kidneys
115468. What name is given to two tubes which lead from the wind pipe to the lungs?
Answer: Bronchi
115469. Which gland in the body secretes the hormone cortisone?
Answer: The adrenal gland
115470. Which part of the human body is affected by the disease 'Glaucoma'?
Answer: Eyes
115471. Which prevents the bleeding of gums?
Answer: Ascorbic acid
115472. Bones; connected with head?
Answer: Skull
115473. Bones connected with neck?
Answer: Atlas
115474. What ailment is caused by the blockage of blood vessel by a blood clot?
Answer: Thrombosis
115475. What is the average heart-beat in a human body per minute?
Answer: 72
115476. What causes Pneumonia?
Answer: Bacteria
115477. What does the nervous system contain?
Answer: It contains the brain; nerves and the spinal cord
115478. How many bones are present in human body?
Answer: 206 bones
115479. Which gland is associated with Goitre?
Answer: Thyroid gland
115480. Which is the smallest bone in the human body?
Answer: Stapes
115481. The centre inside the heart which induces heart beats.?
Answer: Pacemaker
115482. What are the three types of muscles found in human body?
Answer: Voluntary; involuntary and cardiac muscles
115483. Which gland produces hormones in human body?
Answer: Endocrine glands
115484. Which gland controls the endocrine gland?
Answer: Pituitary gland
115485. When does a new born baby first breathe?
Answer: When it begins to cry
115486. Name the muscles by which heart is made?
Answer: Cardiac muscles
115487. Which liquid is present in the membrane covering the heart?
Answer: Pericardial fluid
115488. The chemical which reduces the rate of heart beat?
Answer: Acetyl choline
115489. Name the organ which is not affected by cancer?
Answer: Heart
115490. An animal which possess heart in the head?
Answer: Prawn
115491. What is meant by "identical twins"?
Answer: The babies born out of an ovum divided into two after fertilisation
115492. Which gland produces the enzyme parathormone?
Answer: Parathyroid
115493. Which substances regulate the chemical action in the body?
Answer: Enzyme
115494. Which is the part of the brain that controls motor function?
Answer: Cerebellum Cortex
115495. Which is the thin membrane lining inside the heart?
Answer: Endocardium
115496. The nervous system that controls the functioning of the body at sleep?
Answer: Autonomous Nervous System
115497. The membrane that cover the heart?
Answer: Pericardium
115498. What is the name given to the wave motion of small intestine?
Answer: Peristalsis
115499. Which nerve carries impulses from the eye to the brain?
Answer: The optic nerve
115500. Which is the first antibiotic?
Answer: Penicillin
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