54852. Which of the following is the point of reference JFET?
54853. A Darlington pair consist of
54854. The purpose of using negative feedback in a op-amps is to
54855. A transistor amplifier with 85% efficiency is expected to be
54856. In the case of the circuit shown in the figure Vio = 10 mV dc maximum, the maximum possible output offset voltage Voo caused by the input offset voltage Vio with respect to ground is
54857. The advantage of transistor over vacuum tube is
54858. Which of the following is necessary transistor action?
54859. An op-amp is fed from a signal source through resistance R1. If it is to work as sign changer, the feedback resistance Rf should be
54860. For a sinusoidal input, the circuit shown in the figure will act as a
54861. A multivibrator can be used as a
54862. A multivibrator generates
54863. The derating factor, for ambient temperature higher than specified, for a transistor is about
54864. Which of the following circuit can operate class AB for audio power output?
54865. Ebers Moll model is applicable to
54866. A FET
54867. For oscillations to starts, the loop gain A β of the oscillator must be initially
54868. Pick the Odd one out
54869. The circuit of figure is called
54870. If the changes in zener current in a voltage regulator circuit are too large, it can be corrected by using a
54871. MOS circuits as compared to bipolar circuits take
54872. Typical values of voltage gain for CE, CB and CC amplifiers are
54873. For a transistor if a dc = 0.98 and emitter current IE is 2 mA, then collector current will be
54874. In figure the potential of gate terminal is
54875. The gate-source voltage that reduces the drain current to approximately zero is called
54876. In a half wave voltage doubler circuit the input frequency is 50 Hz. The ripple frequency is
54877. Class A amplifiers are preferred when
54878. In figure the source resistance of current source IEE is infinite, then common mode gain is
54879. Which of the following circuit would be preferred for a 355 KHz IF amplifier?
54880. In a series regulated power supply circuit, the voltage gain Av, of the 'pass' transistor satisfies the condition
54881. Assertion (A): In CC amplifier the collector is at ac ground Reason (R): CC amplifier is also called emitter follower
54882. The circuit consisting of two transistor connected in series with the d.c. supply voltage is called
54883. Common emitter transistor has
54884. A three terminal monolithic IC regulator can be used as
54885. Which of the following is not the main characteristic of a FET?
54886. The basic amplifier in Weinbridge oscillator consists of
54887. Man passed from the food gathering stage to the food producing stage in the?
54888. To obtain very high I/P and O/P impedances in a feedback amplifier, the topology used is
54889. Efficiency of a half wave diode rectifier is less than 40%.
54890. Generally op amp is used in
54891. The equivalent circuit of an op-amp has
54892. In a transistor with normal bias
54893. A transistor has collectoremitterbase In a N-P-N transistor the electron flow into the transistor at
54894. Negative feedback in amplifier
54895. Which of the following is the fastest switching device?
54896. Which of the following is not valid in case of bipolars?
54897. The input resistance of JFET ideally approaches
54898. In the analysis of common emitter amplifier we may neglect
54899. The ac input voltage of an amplifier
54900. Assertion (A): Negative feedback reduces the gain of an amplifierReason (R): Negative feedback is very commonly used in amplifier circuits