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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1686

84301. How many players are neither artists nor doctors ?

84302. How many artists are neither players nor doctors ?

84303. Which one of the following represents the educated men but not urban ?

84304. Which one of the following represents a woman who is urban as well as government employee ?

84305. If hospital management requires only married trained nurses for operation theater, which part of diagram should be chosen by him ?

84306. By which number, married but untrained nurses in the hospital are represented?

84307. By which numbers trained nurses are represented ?

84308. What is represented by the number 7 ?

84309. By which number, the trained unmarried nurses in the hospital are represented ?

84310. How many educated people are employed ?

84311. How many backward people are educated ?

84312. How many backward uneducated people are employed ?

84313. How many backward people are not educated ?

84314. By which letter, the married teachers who live in joint family are represented ?

84315. By which letter, the married people who live in joint family but not are school teachers are represented ?

84316. By which letter, the people who live in joint family but are neither married nor teachers are represented ?

84317. Insulin hormone is secreted by the gland

84318. Sicke cell Anaemia is a

84319. The metal present in Haemoglobin

84320. ’The powerhouse of a cell’is

84321. One of the ------------------come for the special class

84322. Every boy and girl---------the offer tendered by the sales executive

84323. If it--------------,the cricket match will be postponed

84324. The principal along with the staff ---------him---------his victory

84325. When I met my friend John Varghese in 1995,he ------a novel for three years

84326. The recent judicial report makes ‘ult{ext(oblique)}’reference to the shady past of the accused

84327. Which one of the following is always with 'Bargain'?

84328. Which one of the following a 'Drama' must have?

84329. A boy is sitting at the back seat of a car. When the driver suddenly starts moving the car (in forward direction), the boy experiences a backward force?

84330. Which one of the following is always found in 'Wonder'?

84331. Disclosure always involves

84332. A bulb always has

84333. A mirror always

84334. A lotus flower always has

84335. In India a widow can marry her brother-in-law although a man cannot marry the sister of his dead wife:

84336. Which one of the following is always found in 'Remedy of fault'?

84337. A car always has

84338. Danger always involves

84339. A disease always has

84340. Management always involves

84341. Which one of the following is always found in 'Phrase'?

84342. If we are going early in the morning towards the south the sun will be visible at our left:

84343. My ten years old niece is taller than my twelve years old son:

84344. What is always in worry?

84345. Which one of the following is always associated with 'tree'?

84346. Which one of the following is always associated with 'justice'?

84347. A camera always has

84348. What is found necessarily in a race?

84349. What is found necessarily in game?

84350. Which one of the following is always found in factories?

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