13352. Thalassaemia is a hereditary disease affecting -
13353. Polythene is industrially prepared by the polymerization of -
13354. In cricket the length of pitch between the two wickets is -
13355. Which one of the following is not the official language of the United Nations Organisation?
13356. Which countries are separated by Mac Mohan Line?
13357. Which one of the following is a water soluble vitamin?
13358. Among the following who was the Speaker in two Lok Sabhas?
13359. ‘Lakshya’ which is part of Indian Defence System is
13360. Which one of the following states has only one representatives each in Lok Sabha?
13361. Who among the following is known as the guardian of the Public Purse in India?
13362. Biological Oxygen demand (BOD) is used as a standard measure of
13363. Which of the following Crops is of Kharif Season?
13364. Fruit most suitable for making jelly is
13365. Who was the first chief Justice of Supreme court of Calcutta?
13366. By which of the following Acts were the Commercial Rights of East India Company Abolished?
13367. Who Was the founder of All India Muslim League?
13368. Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant obtains its iron ore from the mines of
13369. Biju drives a bike at an average speed of 30km/hr. and reach his destination in 6hrs. Sarath covers that distance in 4 hrs. If Biju increase her average speed by 10 km/hr and Sarath increases his average speed by 5 km/hr., then what will be the difference in time taken by them to reach their destination?
13370. Which one of the following Settlements comprised Zamindar as middleman to collect the land revenue?
13371. Which of the following was the court language during the reign of Akbar?
13372. What were the districts called in the Vijaynagar empire?
13373. Which was the first National News Agency of India?
13374. The depiction of the stones of the previous lives of Gautama Buddha was first done in the art of
13375. The British Parliament can do everything except make a woman a man and a woman a man?To whom is this statement ascribed?
13376. Which of the following states did not come into being in 1987?
13377. The number of Zonal Councils in India is
13378. The sum of all odd numbers between 100 and 200 is:
13379. Indravati Hydroelectric Project is the multipurpose projet of
13380. Which sector contributes the maximum share in National income of India?
13381. Shankarlal Guru committee was associated With
13382. IMF is the result of
13383. The Difference between Gross Domestic product and Net Domestic product is
13384. First share market in India was established in
13385. The acronym STD written on Telephone booth stands for
13386. India has signed a landamrk deal for sale of Dhruv Advance Light Helicopters (ALHs) with
13387. Humidity is measured by which of the following instrument?
13388. Rabindranath Tagore was awarded Noble Prize for his literary work named
13389. Which of the following department of Indian Government takes care of education of children with physical disabilities?
13390. Amrita Pritam’s work “A Revenue Stamp” is
13391. “Nadi Ke Dweep” is the creation of
13392. The poetic work “Rashmirathi” was written by
13393. “Operation Black Board” refers to providing schools with
13394. Transistors used in electronic equipments are mostly made of
13395. The disease diphtheria affects
13396. Which of the following is the brightest planet as seen from the earth?
13397. The Harry Potter series is written by
13398. The most common communicable disease is
13399. Among the following, the richest source of protein is