13401. Hydrogen is used instead of Helium to fill balloons for meteorology because
13402. The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is
13403. Stainless steel is an example of
13404. The Non-Cooperation Movement was ultimately withdrawn by Mahatma Gandhi
13405. The Preamble of the Constitution after 42nd amendment declares India
13406. The International Date Line is the
13407. The real executive power under a Parliamentary Government rests with
13408. Who among the following was the first Maratha Ruler to get legal recognition from the Mughals?
13409. The average solar day is approximately
13410. The constellation Sapta-Rishi is known to westerns as the
13411. One kilobyte is equal to
13412. Which of the following is a cellulose fiber?
13413. Which of the following is not an example of Operating System?
13414. Which of the following vitamins helps in the absorption of calcium?
13415. Dengue fever is spread by
13416. Which of the following is not a fundamental right of the Indian citizens?
13417. Which supercomputer is developed by the Indian Scientists?
13418. Genome is the key to tomorrow’s medical practices because
13419. Which of the following is not a missile tested in Indian Missile Programme?
13420. The headquarters of the Asian Development Bank is located at—
13421. Explicit cost means—
13422. The most important aspect affecting cropping pattern is—
13423. Which is the most mobile factor of production ?
13424. Cottage and small scale industries are desirable in Indian Economy from the point of view of—
13425. Which one of the following item is entered as credit in the balance of Payment Account ?
13426. When there are economies of scale, it means that an increase in production must be accompanied by—
13427. G-77 stands for a group of 77—
13428. Changes in Bank Rate affects—
13429. Total costs is a combination of—
13430. The present strength of the Rajya Sabha is—
13431. The electoral college for election to the office of the President consists of elected members of the—
13432. Under which Article of the Constitution the central government can take pre-emptive action to protect any state against external aggression and internal disturbances—
13433. Who was the first Indian Scholar who treated Mathematics as a distinct subject ?
13434. In Buddhism a Chaitya is also known as—
13435. When were Goa, Diu and Daman annexed into the Indian Union ?
13436. The Maldives are the islands of this ocean—
13437. Shiva is worshipped as Nataraja in a famous temple in Tamil Nadu, where ?
13438. Australia is particularly known for—
13439. Lime is sometimes applied to soil in order to—
13440. Which of the following depletes the ozone layer ?
13441. The turgid condition of a cell is due to—
13442. In the blood group ‘O’ the antigen present is—
13443. The time-period of a pendulum on the moon—
13444. The human ear is sensitive to sound intensity ranging from—
13445. A solar eclipse occurs when the—
13446. The Angstrom unit measures—
13447. We can hold a pen due to the—
13448. One calorie of energy is equivalent to—
13449. Metals, when exposed to electromagnetic radiations, emit—
13450. Which one of the following is a super cooled liquid ?