general-knowledge-sports Related Question Answers
1. Which two counties did Kapil Dev play?
3. Who did Stone Cold Steve Austin wrestle at the 1998 edition of "Over the Edge"?
5. How long are professional Golf Tour players allotted per shot?
6. Which NBA player scored 8 points in the final 7 seconds of a game to lead his team to victory?
7. In the match between India and Pakistan at Jaipur on 02-10-1983, Which new rule was introduced?
9. Which two counties did Anil Kumble play for?
14. In which year did Milkha Singh win the first National title in the 400 m race?
16. What NHL goaltender has the most career wins?
17. What Major League Baseball player holds the record for all-time career high batting average?
18. Who among the following is NOT associated with billiards in India?
19. Which player has scored the most runs in a single Test innings?
20. Who was the 1st ODI captain for India?
21. Where did India play its 1st one day international match?
24. What Australian player was known as 'Fruitfly' amongst the rest of the team?
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