Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /www/wwwroot/jobquiz.info/mdiscuss.php on line 336 In a pre-stressed concrete beam of span 6 m and section 300 mm x 500 mm,the pre-stressing tendons are located along the longitudinal centroidal axis,with an effective pres-stressing force of 900kN.If the beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed l ?->(Show Answer!)
1. In a pre-stressed concrete beam of span 6 m and section 300 mm x 500 mm,the pre-stressing tendons are located along the longitudinal centroidal axis,with an effective pres-stressing force of 900kN.If the beam is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 15 kN/m including the self weight of the beam,the top and bottom extreme fibre stresses in concrete at the mid span section are respectively