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What pipes are mostly used in Water Supply Scheme? ?->(Show Answer!)
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1. What pipes are mostly used in Water Supply Scheme?

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MCQ->Statement: In spite of less than normal rainfall in the catchment areas during the first two months of monsoon of the lakes supplying water to the city the authority has not yet affected any cut in the water supply to the city. Assumptions: The rainfall during the remaining part of the monsoon may be adequate for normal water supply. The present water level of the lakes supplying water to the city may be adequate for normal supply.

MCQ->What pipes are mostly used in Water Supply Scheme?....
MCQ->Statement: The meteorological department has issued a notification forecasting less rainfall during next year's monsoon. Courses of Action: The government should immediately set up a water authority for proper management of water resources. The water supply authorities should be asked to implement reduction in regular water supply to tackle the situation. The farmers should be advised to cultivate alternate crops which require less water during the coming months.

MCQ->Statement: The residents of the locality wrote a letter to the Corporation requesting to restore normalcy in the supply of drinking water immediately as the supply at present is just not adequate. Assumptions: The Corporation may not take any action on the letter. The municipality has enough water to meet the demand. The water supply to the area was adequate in the past.

MCQ->Statement: There has been a significant drop in the water level of all the lakes supplying water to the city. Courses of Action: The water supply authority should impose a partial cut in supply to tackle the situation. The government should appeal to all the residents through mass media for minimal use of water.

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