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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2553

127651. Which part Indicate the oil level on the engine sump?

127652. The purpose of thermostatic is to keep the engine:

127653. Which one of the following parts is not a part of engine exhaust system?

127654. On the rear end of the crankshaft is mounted:

127655. The minimum number compression rings in an automotive engine:

127656. A Diesel engine:

127657. During suction stroke the charge drawn in a petrol engine is:

127658. In a diesel engine feed pump is located on:

127659. Valves are arranged to open before T. or C is reached this is called:

127660. The mostly common used valve in automobile engine:

127661. In diesel engine the fuel ignited by:

127662. The camshaft controls:

127663. Water sludge is formed in the crank due to mixing of:

127664. The exhaust manifold in small diesel engine is made of:

127665. Slow seeping of fuel oil from the nozzle tip after cut off the fuel is called:

127666. From the oil pump the oil goes directly to:

127667. The hand priming device is put to use when the engine is:

127668. Which one of the following types of engine has the highest fuel efficiency?

127669. If the thermostatic is stuck closed,the engine will:

127670. Which of the following conductors is used as heating elements?

127671. To provide opportunities for education to the child or as the case may be,ward between the age of six and fourteen years is a:

127672. Who shall be the ex-officio Chairman of Council of States:

127673. Dilwara temple is at:

127674. In the third battle of Panipat Marathas were defeated by:

127675. Output at break even point is that output at which producer is able to:

127676. Which of the following is the highest mountain peak in South India:

127677. Which one of the following is most likely to occur if the Reserve bank of India lowers the Cash Reserve Ratio?

127678. Which soil is more suitable for crops like cashew nut?

127679. Which one of the following is a Rabi crop?

127680. Which of the following state is termed as’God’s own country’:

127681. Who among the following is the Chief Election Commissioner?

127682. The bill to carve out Telangana received the assent of the President of India on:

127683. Who was awarded Gandhi Peace Prize 2013 by Government of India:

127684. Who became the 2014 Hockey India League Champion?

127685. Identify the state with unicameral legislature:

127686. The present Governor of the state of Kerala is?

127687. Highly polluted water could have a BOD value of:

127688. Uber cup and Thomas cup are associated with:

127689. The headquarter of International Olympic Committee is situated at:

127690. ’Lona’word is related to:

127691. Nitrogen is available for plants in the form of:

127692. One star is going away from the Earth.Then the observer on the Earth will experience

127693. Natural rubber is a polymer of the following unsaturated hydrocarbon:

127694. Acid Rain destroys vegetation because it contains:

127695. 1523 2/191/59=?

127696. 2/78/95/1110395=150?

127697. 307+46=?

127698. 060606+040404 all divided by 0606-0024+0404=?

127699. The ratio of father’s age to that of the daughter’s age is 4:The product of their present ages is The ratio of their ages 5 years hence would be:

127700. Three natural numbers are in the ratio 2:3:If the sum of squares of these numbers is 261 then determine the numbers.

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