166552. Via which among the following amendments of the Constitution, the territories of Goa, Daman & Diu were incorporated in the Indian Constitution?
166553. What among the following is NOT true about the Public Accounts Committee: (1) The committee was first set up in 1919 (2) It's main function is to audit the annual reports of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) (3) It consists of 15 Lok Sabha members and 7 Rajya Sabha members (4) The term of the office of the Public Accounts Committee is one year
166554. What can be the maximum number of members in a legislative assembly of a state in India?
166555. What can be the maximum number of members of the Lok Sabha?
166556. What fraction of Rajya Sabha members retire after every two years?
166557. What has been the maximum number of candidates in any constituency in India at any election so far?
166558. What is the age of retirement of member of a Union Public Service Commission?
166559. What is the correct chronological order of creation of Assam, Nagaland, Goa & Mizoram?
166560. What is the current age of retirement of judges from supreme courts and high courts respectively in India?
166561. What is the current exemption limit of income tax for general citizens?
166562. What is the current limit of creamy layer (for OBC)in India to decide the benefits of the reservation?
166563. What is the current limit of creamy layer in India to decide the benefits of the reservation?
166564. What is the current number of High Courts in India?
166565. What is the difference between Union Legislature and Parliament of India?
166566. What is the maximum allowed duration between the last session of the dissolved Lok Sabha and the recalling of the Lok Sabha?
166567. What is the maximum life of an ordinance promulgated by President of India?
166568. What is the maximum life of an ordinance promulgated by President?
166569. What is the maximum number of candidates which EVMs (Electronic Voting Machine) can cater to?
166570. What is the maximum number of votes which can be cast in Electronic Voting Machine?
166571. What is the maximum permissible time gap between two sessions of parliament?
166572. What is the maximum size & Minimum size of a Vidhan Sabha in Indian state, as outlined in the Constitution of India?
166573. What is the maximum strength of Rajya Sabha?
166574. What is the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha envisaged by the Constitution?
166575. What is the minimum age for a candidate to be elected as President of India?
166576. What is the minimum age prescribed by the Constitution of India for a candidate seeking elections to a state Legislative Assembly?
166577. What is the minimum age prescribed by the Constitution of India for a candidate to be elected as Vice president of India?
166578. What is the minimum age to be the member of the Rajya Sabha?
166579. What is the minimum age to become a member of Lok Sabha?
166580. What is the minimum number of the judges to decide an issue involving the interpretation of the constitution or any presidential reference?
166581. What is the minimum stay essential before a person can apply for Indian Citizenship?
166582. What is the minimum years of age for candidate for office of the vice president?
166583. What is the minimum years of age for candidate for office of the Vice-President?
166584. What is the most appropriate size of Table Flags as per Flag Code of India 2002?
166585. What is the name of the Upper House of the European Union?
166586. What is the number of freedoms, guaranteed by Indian Constitution to Indian Citizens?
166587. What is the rank of Union Cabinet Secretary in the table of Precedence in India?
166588. What is the salary of the Advocate General of the State?
166589. What is the strength of total elected members of 14th Lok Sabha?
166590. What is the tenure of office for the Chief Election Commissioner?
166591. What is the tenure of the office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)?
166592. What is the total number of the Supreme Court Judges (Including CJI) after the Supreme Court (Number of Judges ) Amendment Act 2008?
166593. What is the upper limit of election expense in a parliamentary constituency?
166594. What kind of emergency in India has been imposed for maximum times?
166595. What period was covered in the recommendations of first Finance Commission?
166596. What was the duration of Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy as the president of India?
166597. What was the number of state in India after the States Reorganization Act 1956, which reorganized the boundaries of different states on linguistic basis?
166598. What was the original requirement of” Magna carta”?
166599. When a chief Minister of outgoing minority government advises the Governor to dissolve the legislative assembly the Governor has to _________?
166600. When did The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 came into force?