166601. When I respect the ideals and institutions of our constitution and respect national flag and national anthem perform which of the following?
166602. When state reorganisation committee was appointed?
166603. When the Directorate General of Anti-Dumping & Allied Duties was was constituted?
166604. When vice president acts as the president , which among the following is/ are true?
166605. When was Central Vigilance Commission established?
166606. When was Indian Calendar adopted officially?
166607. When was IRDA established?
166608. When was the Anti-Defection law passed?
166609. When was the EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) first introduced in elections (on experimental basis)?
166610. When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Children constituted?
166611. When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Disaster Management constituted?
166612. When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Global Warming and Climate Change constituted?
166613. When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Water Conservation and Management constituted?
166614. When was the first Parliamentary Forum on Youth constituted?
166615. Where are the headquarters of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) located?
166616. Where is the head office of pay and accounts office (supply)?
166617. Where is the head quarter of the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)?
166618. Which article of the constitution of India provides the composition and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India?
166619. Which amendment bill made the number of Fundamental duties from 10 to 11?
166620. Which amendment of Indian constitution separated Daman & Diu from Goa?
166621. Which amendment of the constitution is related to reorganization of states on a linguistic basis?
166622. Which among the following act gave rise to Haryana?
166623. Which among the following acts has not been enacted by parliament of India?
166624. Which among the following acts provided for a High Commissioner who resided in London, representing India in Great Britain?
166625. Which among the following acts, incorporated 11th Fundamental duty in Indian Constitution?
166626. Which among the following amendments added the Fundamental Duties as per recommendations of Sardar Swaran Singh Committee?
166627. Which among the following amendments of Constitution of India had accorded precedence to Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights?
166628. Which among the following amendments of the constitution of India fully secured the constitutional validity of zamindari abolition laws?
166629. Which among the following amendments provided for the deletion of article 314 inclusion of a new article 312 A which confers powers on Parliament to vary or revoke by law the conditions of Civil Services?
166630. Which among the following appointments made by the president of India, have been the most controversial issue ever since our constitution came into force?
166631. Which among the following are considered essential for the realization of the highest good of India’s citizens?
166632. Which among the following are included in nagar panchayat?
166633. Which among the following are the three types of services envisaged in the Constitution of India?
166634. Which among the following article allows special provisions to be made by the State in favor of women and children?
166635. Which among the following Article deals with the rights of citizenships of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside of India?
166636. Which among the following article deals with the suspension of provisions of article 19 during emergencies.?
166637. Which among the following article is specifically excluded from the purview of the procedure of amendment as prescribed in Article 368?
166638. Which among the following article of the Constitution of India says that all public places are open to all citizens?
166639. Which among the following article says that “directive principles are not enforceable by any court but at the same time declared that they are nevertheless fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be duty of the state to apply these principles in making laws?
166640. Which among the following article throws all public places to all citizens?
166641. Which among the following article was inserted in the Indian Constitution by 42nd amendment 1976, in purview of India being a signatory of Stockholm Conference of 1972?
166642. Which among the following articles defines the Money Bill?
166643. Which among the following articles gives the power to the central government to take pre-emptive action to protect any state against external aggression & internal disturbances?
166644. Which among the following articles helped the Madarsas in India to remain out of purview of the Right to Education Act?
166645. which among the following articles of Constitution of India deals with “Prohibition of Traffic in Human beings”,?
166646. Which among the following articles of Constitution of India entrusts the President of India to grant pardons?
166647. Which among the following articles of Constitution of India gives the power to the Highcourts to issue writs?
166648. Which among the following authorities can remove the UPSC chairman?
166649. Which among the following authorities decides , how far the fundamental rights can apply to the members of the armed forces in India?
166650. Which among the following best supported the idea of inclusion of fundamental rights in our constitution?