19402. Existence of boundary layer in fluid flow is because of the
19403. The important tension in a typewriter is
19404. In case of laminar flow of fluid through a circular pipe, the
19405. Footnotes are typed in
19406. Which of the following facilitates close control of flow of fluids ?
19407. Ctrl+U is the shortcut key for
19408. Fanning friction factor equation applies to the __________ fluid flow.
19409. One of the following is not subunit of CPU
19410. For an ideal fluid flow, Reynolds number is
19411. To send a message to another user select New->mail message option from
19412. Stoke's equation is valid in the Reynolds number range
19413. Find and replace is in the -----menu
19414. When a fluid flows over a solid surface, the
19415. Close button is located on the right side of
19416. Pick out the wrong statement about cavitation.
19417. Guide keys are
19418. The maximum delivery pressure of a reciprocating compressor may be about __________ kg/cm2.
19419. Receivers address is typed on
19420. The velocity for subsonic flow in a pipeline
19421. Master key in typewriter is
19422. Permanent pressure loss in a well designed venturimeter is about __________ percent of the venturi differential.
19423. If the dogs are worn out it causes
19424. The ratio of pressure forces to inertial forces is called the __________ number.
19425. Who has developed the ‘Touch System’?
19426. Bernoulli's equation for fluid flow is derived following certain assumptions. Out of the assumptions listed below, which set of assumptions is used in derivation of Bernoulli's equation ?
A. Fluid flow is frictionless & irrotational.
B. Fluid flow is steady.
C. Fluid flow is uniform & turbulent.
D. Fluid is compressible.
E. Fluid is incompressible.
19427. Monitor is also known as
19428. Cavitation in a centrifugal pump results from
19429. Which one is not a search engine?
19430. For turbulent flow of newtonion fluid in a circular cross-section pipe, the ratio of maximum to average fluid velocity is
19431. Ctrl+X is shortcut key for
19432. For flow through a venturi at a particular discharge, the correct relationships among heads at points X, Y, and Z are
19433. One of the following is not e-mail term
19434. Water is flowing at 1 m/sec through a pipe (of 10 cm I.D) with a right angle bend. The force in Newtons exerted on the bend by water is
19435. Spelling mistakes in document typed appear with
19436. The time of oscillation of a floating body is
19437. In a typewriter there are----------carriage release levers
19438. What is the value of Fanning friction factor f ' for smooth pipe at NRe = 106 approximately ?
19439. To type uppercase characters continuously we use
19440. He hardly ever lives in the village,.........—?
19441. Uneven space between the character is
19442. In magnetic flow meters, voltage generation is
19443. ’Cowl’is also known as
19444. Air vessel provided in a reciprocating pump is for
19445. In one inch there are----------letters.
19446. A hydraulic accumulator comprises of
19447. ----------key can be used to make a cancel selection in a menu
19448. Bernoulli's equation for steady, frictionless, continuous flow states that the __________ at all sections is same.
19449. The program that is used to write edit and print text is