19501. In Indian constitution Directive principles of state policy are adapted from which constitution?
19502. A lubricant 100 times more viscous than water would have a viscosity (in Pa.s)
19503. P.K.Thungan Committee related which of the following?
19504. Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) of a pipe less than 12 inches in diameter indicates its
19505. Savarna Jatha organized under the leadership of
19506. I.D. of 1/4" schedule 40 pipe is 0.364". I.D. of a 1/2" schedule 40 pipe would be __________ inch
19507. Who wrote the drama ‘Pattabakki’?
19508. A pump operating under specific conditions delivers insufficient quantity of liquid. This may be set right by
19509. A parliamentary executive means
19510. Two liquids manometer is used for measuring small pressure differences in
19511. Female Oriented Poverty Reduction Scheme is
19512. A piezometer provided in the pipe measures
19513. ’Pakanarcharitham’a social drama written by
19514. The pump used for irrigation purposes is generally designed for
19515. The ‘12(th)’South Asian Games will be conducted the city of
19516. In centrifugal pumps, cavitation occurs, when pressure of the impeller eye or vane becomes
19517. Indian Press Act passed in which year?
19518. Pressure gradient in the pipe flow is influenced by the
19519. Shahmal led the revolt against British at
19520. __________ pump is the most suitable device for discharging a liquid against a pressure of ≥ 1500 kgf/cm2.
19521. Who was elected the first Indian Women President of the UN General Assembly?
19522. Boiler feed water pump is usually a __________ pump.
19523. The First Governor of Reserve Bank of India
19524. Viscosity of a liquid decreases __________ with rise in temperature.
19525. The Head Quarters of UNESCO
19526. In case of a pipe of constant cross-sectional area, the maximum fluid velocity obtainable is
19527. The first Head of the National Commission for women was
19528. Discharge in laminar flow through a pipe varies
19529. Who was founded the Akhila Thiruvithamcore Navika Thozhilali Sangam?
19530. The lift of a ballon is
19531. East India Association was established by
19532. In which of the following body shapes, the pressure drag is large compared to the friction drag ?
19533. The first President of All India Muslim League was
19534. Major loss in sudden contraction in pipe flow is due to
19535. The largest District in Kerala
19536. Which of the following can be used to create a flow of gas, where no significant compression is required ?
19537. Mycene is a
19538. The ratio of actual discharge to theoretical discharge through an orifice is equal to
19539. Geometrical isomer of geraniol is
19540. A free jet of water of cross-sectional area 0.01m2 and a velocity of 20 m/s strikes a plate and then flows in a plane parallel to the plate as shown in the figure below. The horizontal component of the force on the support is
19541. Gutta-Percha is
19542. Cp/Cv is termed as
19543. Which one of these is a quinoline alkaloid?
19544. Which of the following is a Newtonian fluid?
19545. Mercerised cotton is
19546. Which of the following valves will incur maximum pressure drop for the same discharge of water ?
19547. Oil of winter green
19548. Pressure drop in a fluidised bed reactor is __________ that in a similar packed bed reactor.
19549. The temperature at which second virial coefficient of a gas is zero is
19550. In deriving Bernoulli's equation, fluid is assumed to be