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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 808
40401. As per the Economic Survey, the trade deficit declined to this many USD between April 2016 and December 2017.
40402. Who was chosen as the Managing Director & CEO of National Stock Exchange?
40403. What is the theme of the 2017 International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation?
40404. Joginder Singh, who passed away recently, was the former Director of which organisation?
40405. Identify the first North-East state to implement the e-Cabinet solution for the state cabinet members?
40406. Name the states that bagged the Winners of Excellence eGov awards 2017 recently?
40407. Scientists of this country developed a terahertz transmitter that is capable of transmitting data 10 times faster than 5G.
40408. Which country has suspended the issuance of visas to travellers from Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Afghanistan?
40409. The book titled 'Veerappan, Chasing the Brigand' was written by
40410. Which Indian-origin sculptor was recently awarded Israel's Genesis prize?
40411. The appointment of former PM Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo as President promises a new beginning for which poor civil war stricken country?
40412. Which country is hosting the FIFA World Cup 2014?
40413. Who won the national award for best actor 2013 for his role in Perariyathavar
40414. Which Indian writer was killed by Taliban in Afganistan?
40415. Prime Minister Narendra Modi belong to which national coalition?
40416. Who among the following Prime Ministers of Thailand was ordered to step down by Constitutional court of Thailand on 7 May 2014?
40417. Which date was observed as “Malala Day”by United Nations in 2013?
40418. The world’s biggest building “New Century Global Centre “is built in which city?
40419. Which part of Ukrain is voted to Join Russia?
40420. The Satyagraha which is considered to be the forerunner of Gandhiji’s hunger strikes in India:
40421. The nationalist leader who exposed the exploitation of the British Rule in India:
40422. Asia’s largest road cum rail bridge is built across the river:
40423. The Manchester of India:
40424. Which monsoon brings the dry,cool and dense Central Asian air masses to large parts of India?
40425. The scheme started by the Indian government in order to provide food to senior citizens who cannot take care of themselves.
40426. India won the ICC T20 Blind World Cup by defeating this country.
40427. Who is the newly elected President of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI)?
40428. 13 February commemorates which International day?
40429. The century-old annual Christian religious congregation Maramon Convention is being held on the riverbed of
40430. Which of the following states is hosting the 2017 International Coin Fair?
40431. Which country's team has won the 2017 T20 Blind World Cup?
40432. When is the National Deworming Day celebrated in India?
40433. What is the theme of the 2017 World Radio Day (WRD)?
40434. Which of the following has become the first Indian airport to enter the list of top 15 airports in the World?
40435. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is observed on which date?
40436. Who has been appointed the new President of Associated Chambers of Commerce of India (ASSOCHAM)?
40437. It is with this country India signed a bilateral MoU to ease restrictions on the number of scheduled flights between the two countries.
40438. Name the country whose citizens in February 2017 voted to relax the country's strict citizenship rules.
40439. Which country launched the world's first Braille Atlas for visually impaired persons?
40440. What was the theme of Pakistan's multinational naval exercise AMAN 2017?
40441. Who was appointed as the Chief of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)?
40442. Which state is hosting the 2nd edition of International Spice Conference?
40443. In which state the 2017 UNESCO Natural Heritage festival was held?
40444. Jiro Taniguchi, who passed away recently, was the legendary comic manga artist from which country?
40445. Who has been elected the new President of Germany?
40446. He became the first Indian cricketer to sign for a foreign T20 league.
40447. Who has been elected as the 12th President of Germany?
40448. The oldest Indian mountain range:
40449. Which type of soil constitutes most of the total land surface in India?
40450. The City which is known to be the Kashmir of Rajasthan?
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