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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1547
77351. A man with a dark skin, in comparison with a man with a white skin, What will experience?
Answer: Less heat and less cold
77352. Krishnadeva Raya wrote a famous work, namely Amuktamalyada, in which language?
Answer: Telugu
77353. Which tree, once very popular in social forestry, is now taken to be environmental hazard?
Answer: Eucalyptus
77354. Foot-and-Mouth disease in animals, a current epidemic in some parts of the world, By which is this caused?
Answer: Bacterium
77355. Who said “I therefore want freedom immediately, this very night, before dawn if it can be had”?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
77356. Up to howmuch age can the Members of the Union Public Service Commission function?
Answer: 65 years
77357. When temperature is gradually decreased, what is the specific heat of substance?
Answer: Decreased
77358. Who was made the Home Minister when Jawaharlal Nehru formed the Interim Government in 1946 ?
Answer: Sardar Patel
77359. Which State shares boundaries with the maximum number of other States of India ?
Answer: Assam
77360. Which site, where Ashokan pillars exist, has the bull capital?
Answer: Rampurva
77361. In the human body, cowper’s glands form a part of which system?
Answer: Reproductive system
77362. Which type of forest exhibits highest bio-diversity ?
Answer: Tropical rain forest
77363. Which Rashtrakuta ruler established a victory pillar in Rameshwaram ?
Answer: Krishna III
77364. Who was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate ?
Answer: Nasir-ud-din-Mahmud
77365. If a bar magnet is cut length wise into 3 parts, what will the total number of poles be?
Answer: 6
77366. Which Union Territory attained statehood in February, 1987 ?
Answer: Goa
77367. Which Article of the Constitution of India makes a specific mention of Village Panchayats ?
Answer: Article 40
77368. During India’s Freedom Struggle, which led to the first ‘All India Hartal’?
Answer: Protest against Rowlatt Act
77369. In ancient India, at where was the earliest capital of Magadha kingdom?
Answer: Rajgir
77370. Amarya Sen, the NRI Nobel laureate got the honour for which work?
Answer: Poverty and famines
77371. Which region of India was ruled by Sultan Zainul Abidin ?
Answer: Kashmir
77372. In human body, which are the leg bones?
Answer: Humerus and Femur
77373. Which book is entitled as ‘Bible of Communism’ ?
Answer: Das Kapital
77374. Who is popularly known as ‘Nightingale of India’ ?
Answer: Sarojini Naidu
77375. In metabolism, how enzymes act?
Answer: As catalyst
77376. If it is 4 P.M. on Monday at 150°W, what will be the time at 150°E ?
Answer: Noon on Tuesday
77377. The term nishka, which meant an ornament in the Vedic period, was used in latertirnes, what did it denote?
Answer: A coin
77378. In India, the concept of single citizenship is adopted from which country?
Answer: England
77379. The fragments of which comet system collided with Jupiter in July 1994 ?
Answer: Shoemaker-Levy 9
77380. To suspect HIV/AIDS in a young individual, which symptom is mostly associated with?
Answer: Chronic diarrhoea
77381. The Portuguese traveller, Nuniz visited Vijayanagar during the reign of which rular?
Answer: Achyuta Raya
77382. Howmany subjects are in the Union list?
Answer: 97 subjects
77383. Among South Asian countries which one is the Maternal Mortality Ratio (per 1,000 live births) lowest?
Answer: Bangladesh
77384. What is meant by ‘Underwriting’, the term frequently used in financial sector?
Answer: Under valuation of the assets.
77385. In colourful diamond, Why are different colours present?
Answer: Due to impurities
77386. From the view of International economy, What does third World imply?
Answer: The developing countries
77387. The ruler of which State was removed from power by the British on the pretext of misgovernance ?
Answer: Awadh
77388. Which Indian revolutionary helped Subhash Chandra Bose in raising ‘Indian National Army’ ?
Answer: Rasbehari Bose
77389. Who propounded that ‘destiny determines everything, man is powerless?
Answer: Ajivakas
77390. Which State has the largest forest area. ?
Answer: Gujarat
77391. Sufi Kalam, a type of devotional music, is the characteristic of which state?
Answer: Kashmir
77392. When some detergent is added to water, what will be the surface tension?
Answer: Increases
77393. Port Blair - the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is located in which island?
Answer: South Andaman
77394. What was the original name of Tansen, the most famous musician at the court of Akbar?
Answer: Ramtanu Pande
77395. What is the effect of overseretion of harmone from pituitary gland?
Answer: Increase growth in lenght
77396. What was the rate of land revenue as 'given in the dharma shastras ?
Answer: 1/6
77397. If the cash-reserve ratio is lowered by the Central bank, what will be its effect on credit creation?
Answer: Increase
77398. Which shipyard is known for the manufacture of bargets, coasters and dredgers?
Answer: Garden Reach Shipyard
77399. Moho discontinuity lies at the depth of approximately howmany kilometers?
Answer: 400 km
77400. From the evolutionary point of view, which is the most primitive animal?
Answer: Turtle
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