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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1550
77501. Where is In the Constitution of India, the word ‘Federal’ used?
Answer: Nowhere
77502. When a ray of light is going from one medium to another, how is its frequency?
Answer: Frequency remains same
77503. At the summer solstice, which latitude will have the longest night?
Answer: 60°S
77504. What are Brahmanas ?
Answer: Texts on sacrificial rituals
77505. When is Doctor’s Day, Bidhan Chandra Roy Birth Day is observed?
Answer: July 1
77506. Kautilya was the Prime Minister of which Indian ruler ?
Answer: Chandragupta Maurya
77507. When is World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, recognized by the UN observed?
Answer: October 27
77508. Maximum nutritive element aborbed by blood from which part of alimentary canal?
Answer: Small intestine
77509. Before ascending the Maurya throne, How was Ashoka served?
Answer: As a Viceroy of Taxila
77510. From which one among the following water sources, the water is likely to be contaminated with fluoride?
Answer: Ground water
77511. Which genetic disease is sex -linked ?
Answer: Royal haemophilia
77512. Who has been called the 'Napoleon of India' ?
Answer: Samudragupta
77513. Yondieki who set up a new world record in 10,000 meters race, belongs to which country?
Answer: Kenya
77514. Of the various ways of financing government’s investment expenditure, what is the least inflationary?
Answer: Taxation
77515. Which battle was fought in 1192 A.D. ?
Answer: Second Battle of Tarain
77516. Which Indian was honoured by the World Statesman Award, 2012?
Answer: Stephen Harper
77517. Which ceil organelles function as the power house of a living cell ?
Answer: Mitochondria
77518. Which Rajput mansabdar revolted against Aurangzeb ?
Answer: Durgadas Rathore
77519. If the price of an inferior good falls, what about its demand?
Answer: Remains constant
77520. Which gulf would have to be crossed to reach Sri Lanka from Nagercoil ?
Answer: Gulf of Mannar
77521. In acronym SAARC, ‘C’ stands for which word?
Answer: Cooperation
77522. Who was the first Indian to get selected in ICS ?
Answer: Surendranath Banerjee
77523. Which rays can pass through 20 cm thickness of steel?
Answer: ã-rays
77524. Which characteristic is common among parrot, platypus and kangaroo?
Answer: Functional post anal tail
77525. In India, in which banking is the Public Sector is most dominant?
Answer: Commercial banking
77526. Which does not have a unit of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) ?
Answer: Kolkata
77527. AIDS is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), What is this?
Answer: Retro virus
77528. SIMBEX is an annual joint maritime bilateral exercise conducted between which countreis?
Answer: India and Singapore
77529. What is the process that result in the breakdown of rocks and minerals in situ ?
Answer: Weathering
77530. Old-written material, which cannot be read easily, how can be read?
Answer: By infrared rays
77531. Howmany times has National Emergency been declared?
Answer: Three times
77532. Because of which factor, clouds do not precipitate in deserts?
Answer: Low humidity
77533. Who was an Indian King contemporary of Alexander, the Great?
Answer: Chandragupt Maurya
77534. After howmany years is Election of Rajya Sabha held?
Answer: 2years
77535. Who was the founder of the Nanda dyansty?
Answer: Mahapadma Nanda
77536. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with frequency, in the range of which unit?
Answer: Giga hertz
77537. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, which is the smallest particle which can exist independently?
Answer: An atom
77538. In India, which type of forest occupy the largest area?
Answer: Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest
77539. Which ruler was adorned with the title of 'Maharajadhiraja' (King of Kings) ?
Answer: Chandragupta I
77540. In ancient peninsular India, who assumed the title 'Vatapikonda'?
Answer: Narasimhavarman
77541. Which is the largest flower in the world ?
Answer: Rafflesia
77542. Among Indian Economists who had done pioneering work on National Income ?
Answer: V. K. R. V. Rao
77543. Under which Sultan, Khalisa land increased considerably?
Answer: Alauddin Khilji
77544. Who acts as the Chancellor of State Universities ?
Answer: Governor
77545. In which process, a nucleus spontaneously breaks down by emitting radiation?
Answer: Radioactive decay
77546. ‘Alice in Wonderland’ the famous TV Serial, is based on a book written by which author?
Answer: Lewis Caroll
77547. When Akbar was young, Who was his guardian?
Answer: Bairam Khan
77548. Who wrote the book ‘A Passage to India’–
Answer: E. M. Foster
77549. Barack Obama, the President of America, comes from which American States?
Answer: Illinois
77550. Who is the first Air Chief to receive the honour of “Marshal” ?
Answer: Arjun Singh
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