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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1661
83051. Over 6 crore EPFO subscribers to get ___ per cent interest for 2018-19. 8.65 On which day Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated his 69th birthday?
Answer: 17th September
83052. Which Air-to-Air missile was successfully flight-tested from the fighter jet Su-30 MKI?
Answer: Astra
83053. Name the world-renowned chef whose directorial debut- 'The Last Colour' won the Best Feature Film award at the Indian International Film Festival of Boston?
Answer: Vikas Khanna
83054. Who among the following set a new record in cue sports by winning his 22nd World Billiards Title at the IBSF World Billiards Championship 2019?
Answer: Pankaj Advani
83055. The Centre has pledged to provide how much fund to ECGC in next five years?
Answer: Rs 8,500 crore
83056. Who has been appointed as the first Lokayukta of Andhra Pradesh?
Answer: Justice P Lakshman Reddy
83057. Who has become the 44th person in the world and the first Indian to complete the Enduroman — a triathlon from England to France which is considered to be one of the toughest endurance competitions in the world?
Answer: Mayank Vaid
83058. Which organisation has decided to translate and publish an anthology of the writings of Guru Nanak Dev in world languages to mark his 550th birth anniversary?
Answer: UNESCO
83059. Name one of India’s most renowned and respected criminal lawyers who passed away at the age of 95 on September 8, 2019?
Answer: Ram Jethmalani
83060. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated South Asia’s first cross-border oil pipeline. The pipeline will connect India with which nation?
Answer: Nepal
83061. Which Committee has been constituted by the Union Government to oversee the bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) into Union Territories?
Answer: Sanjay Mitra Committee
83062. At which place in Jharkhand, Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to nation the second Multi Modal Terminal constructed on the river Ganga and built at a cost of 290 crores under Jal Marg ₹ Vikas Project (JMVP)?
Answer: Sahibganj
83063. In which airport, India’s tallest Air Traffic Control tower was inaugurated to enhance safety and efficiency of air transport management services?
Answer: Indira Gandhi International Airport (Delhi)
83064. Who was appointed as the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi?
Answer: Pramod Kumar Mishra
83065. Who has been appointed as the Principal Advisor to Prime Minister Narendra Modi?
Answer: P K Sinha
83066. Which programme was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi which aims to control the livestock diseases by 2025 and eradicate these by 2030?
Answer: National Animal Disease Control Programme
83067. Who sworn-in as the Governor of Rajasthan recently?
Answer: Kalraj Mishra
83068. Which newly created Union Territories will have a common high court?
Answer: Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh
83069. Name the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) of India who recently assumed the Chairmanship of ‘Association of World Election Bodies’ (AWEB) on September 3, 2019?
Answer: Sunil Arora
83070. Which Ministry won the Swachh Bharat award in Swachhta Action Plan category?
Answer: Ministry of Railways
83071. Name the activist who has become the first Indian to be awarded the Changemaker Award 2019 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for her work towards abolition of child marriage in Rajasthan?
Answer: Payal Jangid
83072. Name the noted mathematician, educator and founder of Super 30 from Bihar who has been awarded Education Excellence Award 2019 by US based organisation Foundation for Excellence?
Answer: Anand Kumar
83073. Name the Indian bowler who has become the 3rd Indian to claim a hat-trick in test cricket while playing against West Indies?
Answer: Jasprit Bumrah
83074. What was the theme of the 7th annual World Hindu Economic Forum (WHEF) 2019 held in Mumbai?
Answer: Prosperous Society: Stronger Society
83075. Name the Indian classical singer after whom a minor planet (located between Mars and Jupiter) has been named?
Answer: Pandit Jasraj
83076. Name the Indian duo who won the IBSF World Snooker Team title defeating the team from Thailand at Mandalay, Myanmar?
Answer: Pankaj Advani and Aditya Mehta
83077. In which year Indian National Congress approved the Basic Education System propounded by Gandhiji?
Answer: 1938
83078. In which year was the Champaran Satyagraha?
Answer: 1917
83079. Name the Governor General who introduced Doctrine of Lapse?
Answer: Dalhousie
83080. The first British Viceroy of India?
Answer: Lord Canning
83081. The first woman President of the Indian National Congress?
Answer: Annie Besant
83082. The town bombarded by Vasco da Gama during his second visit as the local ruler refused to expel muslim traders from there?
Answer: Kozhikode
83083. Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act?
Answer: Lord Ripon
83084. Who was the Viceroy when Indian Penal Code was brought into effect?
Answer: Lord Canning
83085. Who was the Viceroy when Queen Victoria was declared as the Empress of India in 1877?
Answer: Lytton
83086. In India, the death anniversary of Gandhiji is observed as?
Answer: Martyrs day
83087. The famous leader whose birth day falls on the birth day of Lal Bahadur Shastri?
Answer: Gandhiji
83088. Who was the Congress president when Jawaharlal Nehru was appointed as the chairman of the National Planning Committee constituted by INC?
Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose
83089. Who was selected as the second person to observe individual satyagraha in 1940?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
83090. In which year Mahathma Gandhi became the president of Indian National Congress?
Answer: 1924
83091. Jawaharlal Nehru attended Congress session as a delegate for the first time in 1912. It was held at?
Answer: Bankipur
83092. Jawaharlal Nehru became the President of the Indian National Congress for the first time in?
Answer: 1929
83093. Jawaharlal Nehru Port is situated at?
Answer: Mumbai
83094. Jawaharlal Nehru was born in 1889 at?
Answer: Allahabad
83095. Which state was given the status of ‘associate state’ in 1974?
Answer: Sikkim
83096. Who was the President of Indian National Congress during the Quit India movement?
Answer: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
83097. In which railway station of South Africa, Gandhiji was thrown out of a train?
Answer: Petermaritzberg
83098. Who was the president of India when Bengladesh was formed in 1971?
Answer: V.V.Giri
83099. Lal Bahadur Shastri is the first Prime Minister to born in 20th century. He was born in?
Answer: 1904
83100. The jurist who gave verdict in Gandhi assassination Case?
Answer: Atmacharan Aggarwal
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