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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 2318

115901. Father of modern space science?

Answer: Galileo Galilei

115902. Oldest of all the constellations?

Answer: Leo

115903. Which constellation is called by the name Milk- clipper?

Answer: Saggitarius

115904. Where is Taurus?

Answer: Taurus extends from the celestial equator north to a little above 30° north declination.

115905. The two nearest galaxies to our milky way?

Answer: Large Magellanic cloud and small Magellanic cloud

115906. The galaxy nearer to our galaxy milky way?

Answer: Andromeda Galaxy

115907. Milkyway belongs to a cluster of some 24 galaxies called?

Answer: Local group

115908. Energy is transferred from the Sun to Earth mainly by?

Answer: electromagnetic waves

115909. The best evidence that Earth spins on its axis is provided by?

Answer: apparent shifts in the swing of a Foucault pendulum

115910. Existence of galaxies beyond milky way was first demonstrated by?

Answer: Edwin Hubble

115911. Galaxies are also called?

Answer: island of universe

115912. Father of Indian Astronomy?

Answer: Aryabhata

115913. The system of astronomy based on Heliocentre (sun centred) universe was presented by?

Answer: Copernicus

115914. The astronomer who presented the system of astronomy based on a geo centric (earth centred) universe?

Answer: Ptolemy

115915. The first who attempted to measure stellar distances?

Answer: James Gregory

115916. The length of an Earth day is determined by the time required for approximately one?

Answer: Earth rotation

115917. The apparent rising and setting of the Sun, as viewed from Earth, is caused by?

Answer: Earth’s rotation

115918. The apparent daily path of the Sun changes with the seasons because?

Answer: Earth's axis is tilted

115919. An inter stellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases are called?

Answer: Pulsars

115920. First pulsar was discovered by?

Answer: Jacelyn Bell

115921. The pieces of rocks, which move around the sun are called?

Answer: Meteoroids

115922. The tilt of the Earth on its axis is a cause of the Earth’s?

Answer: changing length of day and night

115923. Compared to the distances between the planets of our solar system, the distances between stars are usually?

Answer: much greater

115924. Why does the moon appear to move across the sky during the night?

Answer: Earth rotates on its axis.

115925. What time of year is the sun farthest from the earth?

Answer: Summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

115926. As per Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP) what is the exact age of the universe?

Answer: 13.7 billion year after the theoretical Big Bang

115927. Name the British astronomer who, told that the Universe was not limited to the solar system, but is much vaster than that?

Answer: Sir William Herschel

115928. Stars whose brightness increases to 20 magnitude or more due to explosion in the star is called?

Answer: Supernovae

115929. What is a star?

Answer: A star is a gaseous self-luminous body in space

115930. What is a parsec?

Answer: The word "parsec" is made up of the parts of the words "parallax" and "second". It means the distance from the Earth to a star whose parallax is one second of arc.

115931. What does magnitude mean?

Answer: Magnitude is the measure of the brightness of a star or of any luminous body in the heaven

115932. When the hydrogen in a star is depleted, its outer regions swell and redden such stars are called?

Answer: Red giants

115933. The brightest star is?

Answer: Taurus

115934. What does the colour of the star signify?


115935. What are variable stars?


115936. Which star is not seen to change its position in the sky?

Answer: Pole star

115937. What are called as lighthouses in the sky?

Answer: Neutron stars

115938. What is the colour of the young stars in the sky?

Answer: Blue

115939. Where is the highest altitude of the star Polaris be observed?

Answer: Arctic Circle

115940. Which star is cooler and many times brighter than Earth’s Sun?

Answer: Betelgeuse

115941. Which is the brightest nebula visible in the night sky?

Answer: The Orion Nebula

115942. Name the nebula, a cloud of dust and gases 5,000 light years away from Earth, where the coldest places in the Universe can be found?

Answer: The Boomerang Nebula. The “cold spot” has a temperature of -2730C (457.60F)

115943. Which is the nearest planetary nebula to Earth?

Answer: The Halix Nebula (NGC 7293) lying about 450 light years away

115944. What are the most distant objects in the universe found to date?

Answer: Quasars

115945. By which name, the dying star that have expanded greatly from its original size and gives off red light are known?

Answer: Red Giant

115946. Which is the nearest star cluster to our solar system?

Answer: Hyades cluster in the Taurus constellation. (The Bull). It’s about 150 million light years away.

115947. The multi coloured lights that sweep across the sky in waves and are visible in the Antarctic region are called?

Answer: Aurora Australis

115948. The part of the sun which is visible only during eclipses, as a remarkable silver pearly radiant glow around the sun?

Answer: Corona

115949. Centre of our solar system?

Answer: Sun

115950. Members of the solar system?

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