1. A cube has six different symbols drawn over its six faces. The symbols are dot, circle, triangle, square, cross and arrow. Three different positions of the cube are shown in figures X, Y, and Z. Which symbol occurs at the bottom of fig.(Y)?

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  • By: guest on 02 Jun 2017 01.57 am
    From figures X and Y, we conclude that dot, circle, square and cross lie adjacent to the triangle. Therefore, the arrow must lie opposite the triangle. From figures X and Z, we conclude that dot, triangle, arrow and cross lie adjacent to the circle. Therefore, the square must lie opposite the circle. Thus, the arrow lies opposite the triangle, the square lies opposite the circle and consequently, the cross lies opposite the dot. Since the square lies at the top of fig. (Y) and the circle lies opposite the square (as analysed above), so the circle occurs at the bottom of fig. (Y).
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