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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1207

60351. Unit doublet is the Laplace inverse of __________ .

60352. The Wheatstone bridge method of measuring resistance is ideally suited for the measurement of resistance values in the range of

60353. With reference to C programming language, which of the following statements are correct? An identifier may start with an underscore.An identifier may end with an underscore.If is a valid identifier.The number of significant characters in and identifier is implementation dependent. Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

60354. A matched filter has a frequency response given: The impulse response h(t) of the filter is :

60355. The internal secretion of ......... help in digestion?

60356. If there is phase error in the carrier signal for the detection of SSB signals, then

60357. How many and which types of machine cycles are needed to execute PUSH PSW by 8085 microprocessor?

60358. If RT, Rh represent condition for reciprocity in case of transmission parameter and hybrid parameter respectively and similarly ST, Sh represent condition for symmetry in case of transmission parameter and hybrid parameter respectively then match the following : (1) RT (a) A = D (2) Rh (b) h12 = h21 (3) ST (c) AD - BC = 1 (4) Sh (d) h12 = - h21 (e) B = c (f) Δh = 1

60359. The Nyquist plot of a stable, transfer function G(s) is shown in the figure. We are interested in the stability of the closed loop system in the feedback configuration shown. The gain and phase margins of G(s) for closed loop stability are

60360. The eigen values of the following matrix are

60361. Achu remembers his fathers birthday is between 17th and 20th september. But his sister remembers that their father’s birthday is between 18th and 22nd september on which day is their father’s birthday?

60362. What is the period of the sinusoidal signal x(n) = 5 cos [0.2 p n]?

60363. If the potential functions V1 and V2 satisfy Laplace's equation within a closed region and assume the same values on its surface, then which of the following is correct?

60364. Which of the following is NOT associated with a p-n junction?

60365. Water surface of a still pond represents

60366. When a particular mode is existed in a waveguide, there appears an extra electric component, in the direction of propagation. In what mode is the wave propagating?

60367. Which of the following algorithms design techniques is used in quick sort algorithm?

60368. The amplitude of a random signal uniformly distributed between - 5 V and 5 V. If the positive values of the signal are uniformly quantized with a step size of 0.05 V, and the negative values are uniformly quantized with a step size of 0.10 V, the resulting signal to quantization noise is approximately

60369. Consider the following statements: With increase in temperature Fermi-level tries to come in between the energy gap exactly at middle Mobility of electron in GaAs is very high compared to mobility of holeIn LED, the light energy radiated due to recombination with the aid of traps. Which of these statements are true?

60370. For good quality signal transmission all frequency components should have the same transmission delay, td and same phase shift-Φs. What can be said about the statement?

60371. The tendency of plants to grow in response to the stimulus of gravity is called?

60372. In a CMOS CS amplifier, the active load is obtained by connecting a

60373. An audio signal is band limited to 4 kHz. It is sampled at 8 kHz. What will be the spectrum of the sampled signal?

60374. Consider the equation s2 + 2s + 2 + K(s + 2) = 0. Where do the roots of this equation break on the root loci plot?

60375. The characteristic equation of a closed loop system is (s + 2) (s + 3) + K = 0. The centroid of the asymptotes in root locus is:

60376. Value of 'K' for the system for which the system is stable:

60377. The number of roots of s3 + 2s2 + 7s + 3 = 0 in the left half of the s-plane is :

60378. Consider a feedback control system with open loop transfer function The type of the closed loop system is __________ .

60379. A ring counter with 5 flip-flops will have __________ states.

60380. Assertion (A): It is not desirable to drive a transistor into hard saturation in high speed switching circuits.Reason (R): It may not be possible to bring it back to cutoff state, if it is driven into hard saturation.

60381. For an N-point FFT algorithm with N = 2m which one of the following statements is TRUE?

60382. What is the address space of 8086 CPU?

60383. Who is the author of ‘Common sense’?

60384. Why npn-transistors are preferred over pnp-transistors?

60385. For parallel plane waveguides, which is the mode with lowest cut-off frequency?

60386. Which of the following conditions must be satisfied for a transistor to remain under saturation? Its collector to base junction should be under forward bias.Its collector to base junction should be under reverse bias.Its emitter to base junction should be under reverse bias.Its emitter to base junction should be under forward bias. Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

60387. Voltage 1 + 2 sin ωt is applied to the circuit shown below: The capacitor C and diode D can be considered ideal. RL is very large resistance. Then the magnitude of the average voltage across RL is __________ volt.

60388. A bearing noted 450NE represents

60389. Signal x(t) is shown below: The values of `t' for which x(3t - 2) will be zero are:

60390. A man is facing south. He turns 135° in the anticlockwise direction and 180° in the clockwise direction. In which direction he is facing now?

60391. The maximum concentration of the element which can be dissolved in solid silicon at a given temperature is termed as

60392. What is the purpose of DMA facility in microprocessor based system?

60393. The fuse material used in electrical lines must have which one of the following properties?

60394. With respect to transmission parameters, which one of the following is correct?

60395. For detecting a sequence 1011 which is the correct state diagram representation.

60396. In the circuit, shown in figure, V0 = Vi. The values of 1, m, n are: (x represents don't care conditions)

60397. In the design of a single mode step index optical fiber close to upper cut-off, the single mode operations is NOT preserved if

60398. For a message signal m(t) = cos (2p fmt) and the carrier frequency fc, which of the following represents a single side band (SSB) signal?

60399. In the circuit shown below, the op-amp is ideal, the transistor has VBE = 0.6 V and β = 150. Decide whether the feedback in the circuit is positive or negative and determine the voltage V at the output of the op-amp

60400. Which of the following addressing modes is used in the instruction PUSH B?

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