61701. To measure a resistance by a dc potentiometer
61702. In dc tacho generators used for measurement of speed of shaft, frequent calibration is necessary because
61703. A multimeter can be used as ohmmeter.
61704. A voltage of about 200 V dc can be measured
61705. In a low power factor wattmeter, compensation for pressure coil current is provided.
61706. De Sauty bridge is very widely used due to
61707. A Weston synchronoscope is a
61708. In a dynamometer 3 phase power factor meter, the planes of the two moving coils are at
61709. A generated voltage is equally dependent on three resistances R1, R2, R3 and its value is V = (R1R2)/R3. If tolerance of each resistor is 0.1%, the maximum error in voltage is
61710. Assertion (A): A thermocouple transducer is based on Seeback effect.Reason (R): In a thermocouple transducer used for temperature measurement, the cold junction is usually kept in ice bath.
61711. In an Anderson bridge the unknown inductance is measured in terms of
61712. In a Ballistic galvanometer
61713. Which instrument needs creep compensation?
61714. When deflecting torque and braking torque in an energy meter are zero,
61715. The sensitivity of a voltmeter using 0-5 mA meter movement is
61716. Two meters X and Y require 40 mA and 50 mA for full scale deflection. Then
61717. A dual trace CRO has
61718. For measuring mutual inductance we can use
61719. The Y plates of a CRO are excited by a voltage 2 sin 100 t and the X plates are not connected. The display would be
61720. Heating effect of current is used in
61721. The coils of Drysdale polar potentiometer are wound non-inductively.
61722. In figure the output V0 is
61723. Magnetic effect of current is used in
61724. Which of these instruments is dynamometers type?
61725. The instrument used to check insulation of household wiring is
61726. Watthour meter is an integrating instrument
61727. An ammeter is
61728. It is required to measure temperature in the range of 1300-1520°C. The most suitable thermocouple is
61729. Which of these instruments has highest power consumption?
61730. If A = 629 ± 8 and B = 131 ± 3, A - B with range of doubt is
61731. Assertion (A): If the reading of an instrument is low, the error is large.Reason (R): The error of an instrument is certain percentage of its full scale deflection.
61732. A thermocouple instrument can be used over a very wide frequency range.
61733. A vibration galvanometer is a
61734. In a phase shifting transformer the currents in the two stator winding are in phase.
61735. A power factor meter has
61736. In a semiconductor strain gauge, the ohmic electrical contacts are generally made of
61737. To measure dielectric loss you would use
61738. Minute cracks in metals and minute faults in welded joints can be detected using
61739. The resistance of voltmeter affects the accuracy of measurement in loss of charge method.
61740. In a hot wire instrument, the deflection is proportional to
61741. A permanent magnet moving coil meter can be used as
61742. If temperature increases by about 50°, the resistance of thermistor changes to
61743. Which of the following draws minimum power from source?
61744. A megger has a hand driven dc generator.
61745. A hot wire instrument is not affected by stray magnetic fields.
61746. Assertion (A): A ballistic galvanometer is used to measure charge.Reason (R): In a flux meter, the damping is large.
61747. Assertion (A): A transducer needs an output measuring or display device for measuring a non electrical quantity.Reason (R): In some transducers the output voltage is too small and needs amplification before it can be measured.
61748. Acoustic strain gauges
61749. Without a spectrum analyser, it is not possible to determine
61750. A phase shifting transformer is used in conjunction with